Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Strange feelings

Such a feeling seldom happens to me.Never had this feeling for a long long time.

All of a sudden, it seemed so familiar, yet so distant. Some things I certainly know that I should just leave it there and never visit it again.

But many a times, it's the thing itself which comes and find you, even though you did your best to keep your distant from it...

The places we've been, the things we've done, the words we've said, the movies we've showed, the photos we've taken...

All have become part of my life memory... I'll learn to move on & find my own place in Heaven.

But currently, I'm still a growing child. Many things I've yet to explore and experience. I'm still making mistakes and getting myself dirty and hurt. But, I'm slowly learning all these, and hopefully I'll be a better man, a better person, a better friend and a better soul mate...

Right now, I'm slowly getting rid of my debts and self-learning fashion design and apparel. At the same time, looking for options on Psychology Courses... As well as car license lessons

Too many things, too little time. But slowly I'll slowly conquer them...

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