Saturday, March 10, 2007

How to earn $10,000 in One Hour

Yes! That was the headline when I was googling through the search Engine on how to earn more money.

This article was pulished by author Steve Pavlina, on November 9th, 2005.

The title grabbed my attention immediately. Well, who doesn't wanna know how to earn $10,00 per hour? Well, almost everyone! HA!

Here's a quote from the article:

Many books on time management recommend the practice of thinking of each hour of your time as being worth a specific quantity of money. It’s an extension of the “time is money” concept. First you figure out what your hourly rate is, and then you use that as a guide to determine where you should spend your time. If you want to earn more money, then you must first mentally raise your hourly rate, so you can start doing activities that are worth more. For example, if you currently earn $50/hour and want to earn $75/hour, then you have to do less and less $50/hour work as you shift to doing $75/hour work. Brian Tracy advocates this type of thinking in his time management programs, as do many other time management experts. I’ve used this model myself in the past.

I’ve spent a lot of time considering this paradigm, and at present I have only one problem with it.

It’s stupid!

It’s possibly the stupidest paradigm you can use for income generation.

While it seems enticing on the surface, in the long run it will hurt you more than help you. Let’s take a look under the hood…

This article basically re-defines how we SHOULD be earning, and how much we should earn. Many people tends to limit themselves to a certain amount of money they can earn, without knowing that the sky doesn't have any limit at all.

The points raised in this article are worth giving it some deep thoughts...

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