Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Change of lifestyle

Since the doctor verified that I'm officially into the "Foot Rot" Club, my life style has taken a slight turn.

Everyday I have to keep both my feet powdered and dry. After my bathe, I have to quickly dry my feet, then quickly apply the medication cream (which apparently I think has no help at all, but I'll still use it, and see how it will perform its magic in the long run)

But at the same time, my work-load never seem to reduce. And that's obviously the saddest of the sad part...

Sorry... I guess I'll have to pour out my sorrows...

Almost every single weekday, since I took over as LOGSPEC, my knock-off timing is between 8:30pm to 10pm. never once have I knocked off earlier than 7pm. I'm always so envious of my fellow colleagues who can knock off at 5pm or 5:30pm...

But anyway, I'm only left with 4 more months to go. and it's ORD!!!

Really looking forward to that...

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