Wednesday, March 14, 2007

...::First Night::...

My first night at my new Bunk. Excited? Well... not really... Uncomfortable? Not at all, when I slept soundly throughout the whole night, with the ceiling fan right over me haha!!!

Still, I just feel a bit strange to be living in such big room, where 5 of us only take up like 1/3 of the whole room space...While the rest of the room were stacked full of dirty matresses (EEK!), wooden shoe cabinets, tables, and metal cabinets.

Too bad I can't take any photographs of my new bunk. But fear not.. I'll try to sneak a camera in, and take a few snaps ha! OR... I can use LSA's personal camera haha!!!

Till then, I'm so looking forward to my super-extended weekend haha!!! Weekends + 3 OFF days. YEAH!!!

chill out...

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