Saturday, March 10, 2007

Drug Rehab Center

Since young, I've been a very heavy smoker. Everyday, I would smoke about 3 packets, or about 45 sticks.

At that point of time, I was very naive and immature, thinking that Smoking was "Cool", was "Macho", was "MAN". I assumed that Smoking would make me the "King of the World".

But never did I knew that it was a grave mistake. As time goes by, I began to lose interest in almost everything in my life. I can live without food or water, but I must Smoke. With each passing day, I became thinner and thinner, until I finally passed out and ended up in Hospital.

The doctor told me that, If I continue to smoke without food or drink, I would die very soon. It was at this time, I told myself that I can't die! I was only 17 years old!!!

It was there & then, that I was determined to quit smoking. The doctor referred me to "Stone Hawk Rehab Center"

Stone Hawk Rehab Center

I was reluctant to go to a Rehab Center, because I always have an impression that Rehab center was like a prison. Living Conditions were very bad. Food sucks. And services were inhuman.

But, the environment of Stone Hawk Center, totally change my mind, at First Sight.

The Center was more like a Resort, rather than a "Prison". There was a big lake. The whole place was in serenity. Very peaceful. Very comfortable.

The staffs were very patient, very calm, and very helpful. They would sit down with me and listen to all my sorrows, pains and happiness.

Staffs' Qualifications

During my 4 months stay there, they were my best friends and best Life-Teachers. They encouraged me all the time to fight against Cigarettes. And even taught & shared with me, Life lessons.

The anti-drug program was very comprehensive. All programs were tailored-made to each individual. No one was put in a rush to quickly kick the addiction. All was done in a slow, effective & No-withdraw-symptoms method.

But it wouldn't be successful if there wasn't any "Drug Detox Treatment Room". Where I would go into a Sauna Room, and the purpose was to force the toxics in my body out, through sweat and urine.

Every 2 days, I would enter the Room once. And each time is about 20-30mins.

Detox Treatment Room

Now, 4 years after kicking my addiction. I still go back to the Rehab center to visit my Saviour.
And also, I would always bring teenagers who want to kick drug addictions to Stone Hawk Rehab Center. Because I know that these teenagers are in great hands. And they will definitely feel the same as I do, after they kick the addiction.

I really thank Stone Hawk Center and their staffs for standing by my side all those while. They have given me a new life and a new body. Without them, I would have been dead now.

Thank you!

This post has been sponsored.

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