Friday, March 30, 2007

Type of Insurances

These days there are so many types of insurances available on the market, that sometimes we are sure which insurance policy is suitable to our needs. Even if it's a custom-made insurance plan, there are bound to be a few options in the plan that we must have, thus we are sometimes paying the premium for services we don't need at all.

But at, we're paying for what WE truely need, and not paying extras, just to have the plan.

Plans such as Dental Insurance, are some of latest plans which the company has dished out, to cater to people who want to be insured on more particular areas.

The company provide other plans like:
For more information on the type of insurance plans offered by the company, click on Secure Insurance Quotes now.

This post has been sponsored.

New Maple Sea event: Annihilate the Crimsons!

Yes! Finally, MapleSea has a new GM event! And this time, it's the most feared Demon by all travelers via Ellina & Orbis:

Crimson Balrog!!!

Showa Grandpa is itching to unleash trouble again. Bored by the current peace reigning in MapleSEA, he longs for the excitement brought about by his fearsome Balrogs invasion sometime back. Thus on a quiet night, Showa Grandpa secretly releases all his imprisoned Crimson Balrogs from the previous invasion to feed his insane thirst for thrill.

And of course, nothing delights him more than seeing the world of MapleSEA upturned in chaos and havoc!

Here's your chance to destroy the Crimsons and protect the world of MapleSEA!

Event Details

Time: 1st April 2007
World: All 4, Channel 15
Time: 7:00pm to 8:00pm

Independent Singers

Since young, I've always wanted to be a singer in a band, where my voice would be heard, my story would be known & my world would be understood by people who listen to my songs.

Actually, it's not very easy to cut a recording deal in reality. You'll have to go through tough vocal & physical training. But, even if you went through all these tough times, you might not even be presented a chance to showcase your singing talent...

Thus, Trance Bands, which is part of, is the best alternative for independent singers & bands to showcase their works.

It's about providing independent Artists from solo, trio to bands, the best outlet possible to be heard globally on the Internet. Just as important is our goal to provide you, the Artists, with a new revenue and distribution model for your music.

Have a look at their library of artists.

Artist sign up. After you signed up, you can upload your works onto their library and let your music be heard by millions of people, including label managers & talent scouts.

Listeners sign up This will grant you access to thousands of independent singers & bands all over the world, and if you're interested in their songs, you may even drop them a message. You will also be able to receive news about the latest up-coming on

So, what are you waiting for? Be someone today!

This post has been sponsored.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Death of Captain America

While I was reading my TIMES, ASIA Edition magazine. I came across these startling facts:

  • Chinese Legislator, Jiang HongBin, wants STARBUCKS out of China's Imperial Palace [Zi Jing Cheng] immediately. Fearing that its American Democracy, will soon taint China's National Culture.
  • 850 million Indians in India, are currently surviving on US$2 or less every single day. US$2!? What the heck!!! That's like equivalent to one plate of fried noodles + one cup of decaf-ed coffee. EEK!!!
  • Thailand's Revered King Bhumibol, has ruled the country for 60 years. MY gosh!!! That's like the longest King or Queen in regiment, in modern history. Go Figures!!
And the most shocking news I've just read... Captain America is rumored to be DEAD!!!

Captain America assasinated on his way to the Court in the "CIVIL WAR" storyline

He fought and triumphed over Hitler, Tojo, international Communism and a host of supervillains, but he could not dodge a sniper's bullet.

Comic book hero Captain America is dead.

After close to 60 years in print, Marvel Comics has killed off Steve Rogers, aka Captain America, one of its most famous and beloved superheroes amid an already controversial story line, "Civil War," which is pitting the heroes of Marvel's universe against one another.

In the comic series, Rogers was to stand trial for defying a superhero registration law passed after a hero's tragic mistake causes a 9/11-like event.

Steve Rogers eventually surrenders to police. He is later mortally wounded as he climbs the courthouse steps. (Watch the story of an American hero Video)

Marvel says the comic story line was intentionally written as an allegory to current real-life issues like the Patriot Act, the War on Terror and the September 11 attacks.

"Every child knew about 9/11," says Dan Buckley, president of Marvel Comics. "If [he] could see a TV he knew what 9/11 was. The other similarities [to] things going on are just part of storytelling."

It was a violent and strange end for an American hero.

Captain America first appeared in 1941, just as the United States entered World War II. He was a symbol of American strength and resolve in fighting the Axis powers, and later Communism.

As originally conceived by creators Joe Simon and Jack Kirby, Rogers was a man born before the Great Depression in a very different America. He disappeared after the war and reappeared only recently in the Marvel timeline. For a superhero many thought perfect, it was perhaps a fatal flaw for "Cap," as he became known.

"He hasn't been living in the modern world and the world does move," says Marvel Editor-in-Chief Joe Quesada.

Quesada said he wanted to readers find their own meaning in Cap's end.

"There is a lot to be read in there. But I'm not one who is going to tell people, this is what you should read into it, because I could look into it and read several different types of messages," He said.

The character's death came as a blow to co-creator Simon, the Associated Press reported.

"We really need him now," Simon, 93, told The AP.

Still, one has to wonder: Is Captain America really dead? Comic book characters have routinely died, only to be resurrected when necessary to storylines.

Joe Quesada agrees -- but said times are different now.

"There was period in comics where characters would just die and then be resurrected. And the death had very little meaning and the resurrection had very little meaning," he said. "All I ask of my writers is if you're going to kill a character off, please let that death have some meaning in the overall scope of things."

Events Leading Up to the Death of Captain America

The Civil War
First there was the beginning of the Civil War between the entire Marvel Universe of Superheroes. The Civil War begins when the New Warriors are battling a group of villains while filming a reality TV show of all things. One of the bad guys named Nitro explodes killing hundreds of people including school children.

The public becomes furious and in response a Superhero Registration Act is formed requiring all super powered individuals to register with the government. The heroes split down the middle on whether or not to register with Iron Man taking the side of registration, and Captain America opposing.

The Act becomes law and Captain America forms a team to resist the law and the incarceration of super powered individuals refusing to obey the law.

Fierce battles take place between Iron Man's registration forces, and Captain America's forces of freedom, until the final battle to release the super powered prisoners from Tony Stark's Negative Zone Prison.

For some strange reason which is beyond me, Captain America has Cloak teleport both teams of combatants to New York City. My question is why not to some place isolated where heroes can battle without destroying property or risking lives. Doesn't sound like something Captain America would do.

Suddenly when Captain America is almost ready to slam Iron Man for the winning blow a bunch of citizens start whining, and Cap sees the destruction the battle has caused (Duh! of course there is destruction!) and orders his team to stand down.

Everyone else gets amnesty, but Captain America is sent to jail. While going up Federal Court House steps Cap is shot by a sniper. In the chaos Sharon Carter fires a pistol into Cap's stomach. Apparently she was hypnotized by Dr. Faustus to finish the job of the sniper who turns out to be Crossbones.

The whole thing was orchestrated by Captain America's ultimate enemy the Red Skull. If you'll recall, some years back the Red Skull died in Captain America #300, and here he is now orchestrating Cap's death. Of course the Skull's death didn't last that long.

While Cap rides in the ambulance news reports come in stating that Captain America is now dead, but we didn't actually see Cap's last breath.

We all know in comic books that a character can die right before our eyes and still find a way to come back to life. I'm still trying to understand how Superman came back to life.

A major clue to Cap still being alive comes from the Civil War: The Initiative, Ms. Marvel claims that Captain America is not dead but "...tucked away safe on the Raft... They're trying to save his life even as we speak."

Gosh! I really hope that Captain America is not REALLY dead. Else, it'll be the biggest misery, since the DEATH OF SUPERMAN.

Sales Management

Everyone knows that the only way for a Business to survive is Profit, Revenue, Cut Cost & repeat these 3 things over & over again.

But many a times, many companies will reach a Sales bottle-neck sooner or later. And you can't seem to know where went wrong, what went wrong, and how it went wrong. Well, with AIMpromote's sales management software, your heartaches and headaches are solved.

AIMpromote gives you the ability to take complete control over your sales process. You will have a birds-eye view of your sales team and their performance. Take a close look at which sales representatives are making sales, and which are squandering leads. AIMpromote is YOUR answer.

It identify new potential customers easily and quickly by refining your customized lead list. This enables your company to quickly identify which prospects are the hottest, and prioritize their efforts accordingly. All client information is stored reliably, securely, and easily accessible by your staff. All the lead information needed to close the sale will be available to them in an instant.

Have problem with schedules, phone calls & follow-ups? All these can be done easily with the integrated calendar. With a glance, your team is able to see what they need to do for the day, for a lead, or for any given time frame. Refine further your display to show leads for a specific user or a customized task type. You can even have the system automatically create tasks for your sales representatives based on hundreds of totally customizable triggers.

AIMpromote has proven to be a highly cost-effective sales management software solution that is powerful enough to meet the needs of even the most demanding enterprise implementations.

Interested in knowing more about this fantastic software?
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This post has been sponsored.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Don't know why, don't know how, don't know what... But all of a sudden, as I sat in front of my PC table, staring at my monitor, this song pop into my mind...

The feeling is so strong & so deep...

The song is about a person missing her loved one, even though they've broken up. Says how she passes each & every day, and how the break-up has affected her every-day life...

The feeling is so painful & so sour...



Online Bidding

I always love online auction, such as Yahoo! Auction & eBay. Because you can find the specific items you want at unbelievably low prices. But the only problem is, I have to have a computer, with access to the Internet in order to give my bid items I want.

Recently, I received an email about a new way to bid, using your cell phone. Yeah! You see it, your cell phone. To me, this is a brand new thing which I never knew it exist. And, is one such site.

Click on Bid4Prizes for more details.

How to play:
It's very simple. You must have a cell phone, then register yourself. After which, confirm your account via email. Search for the item you want to bid, and start bidding!

When you start bidding, the system will notify whether your bid is "Low", "High", "Unique" or "Duplicate", from there you continue to bid until the auctioned item closes. After which the system will notify all bidders who's the winner.

Auction Site

If you don't wish to use your cell phone, you can also choose the conventional way of bidding online.

It's definitely a new way to bidding for items you want! For more information, click on the website now.

This is a sponsored post.

Confined at home

Gosh... I can't go anywhere... With my current foot rot, I can't go anywhere!!! The feeling really sucks! Sucks to the core man...

My dad bought me this Chinese herbal solution, Called "Green Grass Medical Oil". He said it was for me to apply over my affected areas on my feet. How sweet of my dad... Hee.. Thanks!!!

Anyway, the solution looked like iodine [Light brown in Color] when I applied it, but it smelled like Chinese herbs. OH THE SMELL!!!

And with my feet looking like it just went through SOC [standard Obstacle Course] There's no way, I'm gonna go out looking like that!

So I guess my 3 days of OFF is gonna be spent in the comfort of my House... Luckily I still have Maple Sea haha!!!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

iBoot Sales

I'm a lover of online shopping & I've been doing it for a few years. There are many online auction and item sales websites on the Internet. But most of them require payment for using their websites to post items for sales or auction.

Just a few days ago, I discovered a new online selling website that's absolutely free! iBoot Sales.

Like any other auction or online shopping website. This UK based company animates, how a flea market or car boot sales functions physically, into an online sales market. Instead of displaying only 1 item at a time, shoppers will be able to view as many as 100 items, at one time!

Basically, users register themselves free of charge, with the website, after which, all they need to do is to upload items they wish to sell, up to as many as 25 items, and it's free for the next 3 months!

Click on Car Boot Sales now!

Currently, the website is having a promotion. Once you registered yourself, you'll get a 25 items "Pitch" absolutely free. And also, you'll have a chance to upgrade it to a 50 items "Pitch".

Alternatively, with a 40+ items "Pitch", you can have a chance to upgrade it to a 100 items "Pitch".

And all these are absolutely free of charge! Only if you register now with iBoot.

For more information, click on any of the links below:
Help & FAQs
About iBoot
Fees & charges
Banned Items

This is a sponsored post.

Reimbursement on Cash Item - Rudolph's Sleigh

Apparently there seem to have some problems on Pet Rudolph's Cash item - Rudolph's Sleigh.

Many players have feedback that this item cannot be equipped on Pet Rudolph after the patch for V.39. As this is a cash item made available for 90 days upon purchase, it has caused inconvenience for players.

Therefore, Asiasoft has decided to have a reimbursement & it will be made based on the following:
- Players who purchased Rudolph's Sleigh between 20th Dec 2006 to 3rd Jan 2007 will be reimbursed with 1,350 MaplePoints.

The above reimbursement has been made during 28th March 2007 Game Server Check.

Let's hope more bugs in the Game can be rectified asap. Especially the "D/C bug" in Ludi.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Home lightings

The past few months, I've been working on plans to refurnish my bedroom. Because I kind of find it plain and "ugly". Most of the things in my room were more or less settled, except for one headache item: Lightings. I've always to look for a lighting that is a combination of Class, elegance and yet not to complicated.

I've visited many lighting shops, but most of their designs doesn't really vary much from each other. Thus, I decided to try my luck online and VOILA! I've found a website that has virtually satifised what I need for lightings.

Click on chandeliers to see what kind of lightings the website has to offer.

Premier Lighting offers not just chandeliers, but they offer other categories of lightings:

Just to name a few of the many categories the website offers.

The website also provide guidelines on how to select lightings that will best suit your room. And these guidelines are quite essential for amatuers like me, who knows nothing about selecting the perfect lighting for my beloved room.

Click on Guidelines, to know how to select the perfect lighting for your room.

This is one website I'll highly recommend to any of my friend, if they're considering to change lightings.

This is a sponsored post.

New Bunk

I would have never thought that this day would arrive...

Today, I bidded "Good-Bye" to the bunk which I've been sleeping in for the past 9 months ever since I stepped into Tekong.

The feeling was very hard. I've tried all ways to delay the shift to my new bunk at HQ BMTC. But, like what a saying goes: "You can run, but you can't hide."

This morning, I grabbed a trolley from my office, and took a long, slow walk back to my bunk. I was reluctant to shift out. So much memories, so much feelings...

But what's gotta go, has to go eventually. Firdaus & me could have did a fast shift of our things, but we did it in 3 trips. All because, we were just a little unwilling to leave our beloved bunk all so soon...

Now... An "old chapter" has ended, and a "New Chapter" of my Tekong life has just begun...

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Tired of using Video-making programs which are difficult to understand and never seem to be able to get what you want?

Ever wanted to have something that's free, no-CD installation program, easy to use and at the same time, you can publish these videoes online for public viewing? Then, Flip Track is your answer to all your problems. is a combination of both photos & video-making. Users can create their very own photo slideshows, or even make their own videoes using their own photos.

Click on the Video Sample, to see what FlipTrack can do for you.

FlipTrack also feature a collection of readily available sountracks, which you can use to implement into your photo slide shows and videoes. Covering from 70's to 90's, Rock & Roll to Pop, Reggea to Hip-Hop. offers virtually any genre of music. You name it, has it.

Can you Imagine a show without any music or audio-effects, wouldn't it be very boring?

Click the link below to access its vast collection of sound tracks.

Collection of Music

Sign up today, and start your wonderful experience with! Register.

This post has been sponsored.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

MapleStory: Magician Guide

What makes a magician special?
It is the only class that uses magic and they are known as magicial spell. The only way a monster can ever defend from a magicial attack is by having magical defend (which most monsters have lower magicial defend than weapon defend), making your damage one of the highest and special.

Stats at the start
(Perfect mage built)
Roll the regenerator dice and see the following numbers:
STR: 4
DEX: 4
INT: ? (dont' care yet)
LUK: ? (don't care yet)
Weapon: Club [Higher damage]
(ALmost-perfect mage built)
If your lazy to roll to such numbers, get:
STR: 5/4
DEX: 5/4
INT: ? (don't care yet)
LUK: ? (don't care yet)
Weapon: Club [Higher Damage]

Training spots
Lvl 1 ~ 8: Maple Island Killing Snail, Blue Snail (not red) and Mini Shrooms.


Do some quests to Level up faster.

Maple Quests & Guide
- Sarah's Mirror
Reward: 1 EXP

- Nina and Sen's Dinner Menu
Reward: 3 EXP

- Please Bring This Letter To Lucas
One of the following caps

+ 10 EXP

- Protect Lucas's Farm
One of the following gloves

- Pio's Collecting Recycled Goods , Pio And The Recycling
A relaxer

100 EXP + 200 meso

- Rain's Maple Quiz
62 EXP

- Maia has 2 quests: New Life, and Maia's Training. Do both of them.

The experience gained from the above quest should be enough to advance till level 6.

Adding AP / SP at Lvl 1-8
- Add all your APs to INT. [Don't add to other attributes]
- Add 2 SPs to 1st beginner skill [Though, Red shell deals 40, but it's very hard for us to kill, blue shell is better], the rest just distribute among the other 2 skills.

Leaving maple Island & Becoming a magician.
Once you reach level 8, leave the island. Speak to NPC Phil, he'll teleport you to Ellina at 10% of the original Cost.

Once at Ellina, Go all the way upwards and go inside the portal. Talk to the floating beard man (Grendal the Really Old) and become a magician!

After becoming a Magician, notice your Mp increase up to 200++. And you will also receive a skill book and a sp(skill point).

Adding SP at Lvl 9 - 30
Lvl 8 - 1sp in Improving MP Recovery
Lvl 9 - 3sp in Imrpoving MP Recovery
Lvl 10 - 1sp in Improving MP Recovery, 2sp in Improving Max MP Increase
Lvl 11 - 3sp in Imroving Max MP Increase
Lvl 12 - 3sp in Imroving Max MP Increase
Lvl 13 - 2sp in Imroving Max MP Increase [max], 1sp in Energy Bolt
Lvl 14 - 3sp in Magic Claw
Lvl 15 - 3sp in Magic Claw
Lvl 16 - 3sp in Magic Claw
Lvl 17 - 3sp in Magic Claw
Lvl 18 - 3sp in Magic Claw
Lvl 19 - 3sp in Magic Claw
Lvl 20 - 2sp in Magic Claw [max], 1sp in Improving MP Recovery
Lvl 21 - 3sp in Improving MP Recovery
Lvl 22 - 3sp in Improving MP Recovery
Lvl 23 - 3sp in Improving MP Recovery
Lvl 24 - 1sp in Improving MP Recovery [max], 2sp in Magic Guard
Lvl 25 - 3sp in Magic Guard
Lvl 26 - 3sp in Magic Guard
Lvl 27 - 3sp in Magic Guard
Lvl 28 - 3sp in Magic Guard
Lvl 29 - 3sp in Magic Guard
Lvl 30 - 3sp in Magic Guard [max]

Note: I recommend adding your SP this way. Though you'll level very slow between level 9 - 13. But after you got your "Energy Bolt", you'll be blasting your way through all those monsters.

Adding AP at Lvl 9 - 30
Depending on your Priest Build [Pure INT, Low LUK or Normal].

- LUK doesn't increase the maximum damage of your spells. But it is needed to wear armours.
To keep INT at the highest and LUK at the 'just nice spot', Take ur lvl +3 = LUK formula
For example, ur lvl is 20, so ur luk should be 20(lvl) + 3 which is 23.

*NeverEver add any ap into your hp and mp. They will increase each level up.*

Training Spot
lvl 8 ~ 13
Built 1:
Head to henesys and train on Blue snails/mini shrooms. Recommend: Party minimum 3-4 people, especially people above level 13, as they can kill the mobs there faster.


Level 13 ~ 17:
Slime, Orange Musroom & Stump in Henesys with Magic Claw/Energy Bolt.

Level 17 ~ 20:
Orange Mushroom & Green Mushroom in Henesys with Magic Claw.

Level 20 ~ 25:
Build 1:
Pig in Pig Beach (have a chance to get gold ore), Octopus in Kerning, Party Quest is good too.

Build 2:
Head to Shanghai and train on Ducks, Roosters & sheeps. Collect eggs & feets for exchange quest.

Level 25 ~ 30:
Build 1:
Train on Green Mushroom (PANLID!) and Horny Mushrooms in Elinia, Henesys or Ant Tunnel 1.
Tired of training? Do Party Quest in kerning till lvl 30, since there is nothing much to train at lvl 30.

Build 2:
Ducks, Roosters, sheeps & Goat at Shanghai: Western Prairie I & China: Split Road at West.

Click here for Part II of Cleric / Priest Guide

Accomodation Package

My dad is going to New York City for a short business trip. Thus, he asked me to search the Internet for accomodation prices like Hotel, Flight & car prices in New York City.

I came across Hotel Reservations. The website is actually a One-Stop Center for almost every accomodation needs you would need during your vacation to another city, state or Country. offers the following Main Categories:
a) Hotel Reservations
b) Flight Reservations
c) Vehicle Reservations
d) Vacation Reservations
e) Vacation Packages Reservations

The website offers hotel room rates on many Major Cities, including Beijing, Shanghai, Tokyo, Sydney, Bangkok, London & Paris.

Being a comprehensive One-Stop Center for travelling needs & a One-stop Hotel Hub that displays hotel rates for many major cities and countries, is able to get rebates for hotel room prices at unbelieveable rates. Comparing to other online travel or Hotel agencies, is able to offer up to savings of 40% (For domestic hotels) & 70% (For Worldwide hotels).

The website offers flight reservations as well. With increasing competitions from No-frills airlines & normal airlines, the website is still able to provide Value-for-Money flight packages to any destination, which are about 20% lower than prices offered by other companies.

But the most attractive service the website is providing would be the "Vacation Packages".

This service allows customers to tailor-made their own travelling packages according to these options given:
- 1 destination or 2 destinations
- Type of accomodation combinations needed
- Departing City, Arrival City & Time/ Date of Departure and Returning trip.
- How many people on the trip

After you submit your requirements, the system will automatic, find a list of the best package combinations accordingly. From each package, you can further customise the flight timing.

The user interface for is really simple to use and very easy to understand. And the wide varieties of packages available with the website, has helped me assist my dad to pick the best package for him.

I would highly recommend my friends to use this website, if they want to travel in the future.

This post has been sponsored.

Change of lifestyle

Since the doctor verified that I'm officially into the "Foot Rot" Club, my life style has taken a slight turn.

Everyday I have to keep both my feet powdered and dry. After my bathe, I have to quickly dry my feet, then quickly apply the medication cream (which apparently I think has no help at all, but I'll still use it, and see how it will perform its magic in the long run)

But at the same time, my work-load never seem to reduce. And that's obviously the saddest of the sad part...

Sorry... I guess I'll have to pour out my sorrows...

Almost every single weekday, since I took over as LOGSPEC, my knock-off timing is between 8:30pm to 10pm. never once have I knocked off earlier than 7pm. I'm always so envious of my fellow colleagues who can knock off at 5pm or 5:30pm...

But anyway, I'm only left with 4 more months to go. and it's ORD!!!

Really looking forward to that...

Monday, March 19, 2007

Just Say Hi

Not too far back, I joined an online dating community Names not mentioned to prevent business conflicts. I've signed up, met a few interesting girls & also made payments for the website as a middle-man. As I assumed that it's should be right that we pay the website for their service to create a platform for single guys & girls to interact.

Then, one of my friends introducced me Just Say hi!. Another online dating community. But the difference lies that it's totally free! People don't need to pay the company a single cent for all the services the company are providing.

free dating site

The signing up part is no difference from other paid Online dating Communities. But with the payment part stripped off in Just Say Hi!, the feeling of wanting to know more girls just came on. Because I do not have to pay any money upfront, before I can proceed on.

Signing up is very simple.

Sign Up

After you finished all three steps, check your email for a confirmation letter and off you go!!!

After making the switch, I've never regretted doing it. Now, I get to meet up with more people, without the thought "Whether the money I aid is worth-while..."

So what are you waiting for??? Check it out!

This post has been sponsored.

What's happening to my feet??!!!

I'm so so so lucky... Why would I said that? Because, my feet is now an official victim of "Foot Rot".

Did a research on the Internet for the desciption of "Foot Rot"

Foot rot, as the name suggests, it rots away the foot of the animal. More specifically it occurs between the toes of the infected animal. It is extremely painful and contagious. It can be treated with a series of medications but if not treated others can also become infected.

The technical term for foot rot is infectious pododermatitis and it is an inflammation of the soft tissues between the toes and the feet.

The cause of the infection in cattle is two anaerobic bacteria (grow without oxygen), Fusobacterium Necrophorum and Bacteroides Melaninogenicus. Both bacteria are common to the environment that animals live in and the Fusobacterium is present in the rumen and fecal matter of the cattle themselves.

Usually there is an injury to the skin between the hooves that allows the bacteria to infect the animal. Another cause of foot rot may be due to high temperatures or humidity causing the skin between the toes to crack which will let the bacteria infect. This is one of the reasons that foot rot is such a major problem in the summer.

First sign of foot rot is swelling of the skin within 24 hours of infection. The skin between the toes may be very red and tender & The foot will have a foul odor.

Suspected infected person must Clean the infected area thoroughly and seek medical attention as soon as possible. Next, keep the wound clean & dry and apply anti-biotic ointment to prevent further spreading. Repeat this process until the wound heals completely.

Always dry both feets immediately afte a bath or shower [Especially in-between the toes].
If there's a need to wear socks for long hours, powder both feets and socks well, to absorb any possible moisture. Do the same for sweaty feets.
Change socks daily, to improve personal hygenie.

I guess I will have to be EXTRA careful for the next few months...

MapleStory: Priest Guide

This is Part II of the Newbie / Magician / Cleric / Priest Guide



It is time you do the 2nd job advance when your lvl 30!

These are the 10 easy steps to be a cleric,
1. Go to elinia and talk to Grendel the Really Old
2. Head 2 maps north of Elinia, climb all the way up, just all way up (prepare extra mp and hp pots)
3. There will be a intructor, talk to him and you will be transported to a hidden map.
4.This is the place where the challenge really starts, you will need to collect 30 dark marbles inside the map.
5. In that map, there will be horny mushrooms and cursed eye. Don't get freaked out at the first glance at cursed eye, 3 hits from magic claw will finish them. As for the horny mush, its much stronger then normal ones, you will need 2 magic claw to kill it. Every mob in there will have a 1/3 chance of dropping the marble.
6. After collecting 30 dark marbles, go all the way up of that map and talk to the intructor again.
7. You will be transported out of that map and receive a 'proof of hero'.
8. Head back to Elinia and talk to Grendel, he will let you choose 3 of the following, Fire/Poison Wizard, Ice/Lit Wizard and Cleric
9. Decide really carefully on which will you choose, you cannot choose again.
10. Then you're a Cleric!

2nd Job: CLERIC
After you choose Cleric Job, you'll receive your 3rd Skill book & 1 SP.
Basically theres 2 type of cleric build.. HA max User / Teleport Max User [HA means Holy arrow]

Adding SP at Lvl 30 - 70
[Tele User Build ] [ Recommended ]
30 Tele 1
31 Heal 3
32 heal 3
33 heal 3
34 heal 3
35 heal 3( 15)
36 save 3
37 save 3
38 save 3
39 save 3

40 Max Heal (30)
41 Mp eater 3
42 Mp Eater 3
43 Mp Eater 3
44 Mp eater 3
45 Mp eater 3
46 Mp eater 3
47 Mp eater 2 (max) 1 to invincible
48 3 to invincible
49 3 to invincible

50 3 to invincible(10)
51 bless 3
52 bless 3
53 bless 3
54 Bless 1 (10) & 2 to tele
55 Save 3
56 Save 3
57 Save 3
58 1+9(saved) to invincible(max) 2 to tele
59 Save 2 & 1 to tele

60 Save 2 & 1 to tele
61 Save 2 & 1 to tele
62 Save 2 & 1 to tele
63 (2+(8 Saved) Max Bless 1 to tele
64 tele +3
65 tele +3
66 tele +3
67 tele +1(max) & HA +2
68 HA +3
69 HA +3
70 HA +3 (11)


[HA user Build] [ Not Much Recommend as HA is nt used much in 3rd job]
30 tele +1
31 Heal +3
32 Heal +3
33 Heal +3
34 Heal +3
35 Heal +3 (15)
36 Save 3
37 Save 3
38 Save 3
39 Save 3

40 Max Heal(3+12)(30)
41 Holy Arrow(HA) +3
42 HA +3
43 HA +3
44 HA +3
45 Ha +3
46 Save 3
47 Save 3
48 Save 3
49 Save 3

50 Max HA (3 +12) (30)
51 Mp eater +3
52 Mp eater +3
53 Mp eater +3
54 Mp eater +3
55 Mp eater +3
56 Mp eater +3
57 Mp Eater +2 (max) +1 Invincible
58 Invincible +3
59 Invincible +3

60 Invincible +3(10)
61 Save 3
62 Save 3
63 Save 3
64 Max Invincible+1 & Bless +2
65 Bless +3
66 Bless +3
67 Bless +3
68 Bless +3
69 Bless +3
70 Bless +3 (Max)


Training Spot


Wild Boar , Crows , Horny Mushroom , Undead Mushroom

[Lv39 ~ 45]

Jr Wraiths, Zombie Lupin



[Lv59 ~ 70]

Wraith / Coolies

3rd Job Advance
Head to El Nath , and go to the House(Chief Residence)[highest top of elnath] at Right > and go up , inside you will see 4 NPC , find Magician NPC which Named Robeira.

Then she will ask you to go to grendal.

[ Use milk to go back showa / Mushroom shrine ] then head to ellinia and talk to Grendal .. he will ask you to find door of Dimension[Magician - Forest Of Evil II (Ellinia)] and fight grendal clone..

after that , head to elnath , Once At Elnath, Prepare Yourself One Dark Crystal(Refined) and Go Back To The Chief Residence Once More.

This time, He Will Ask You To Test Your Wisdom At A Sacred Place.This Place Is Located At Sharp Cliff 2 On The Top Right Hand Corner Of The Map. There's A Door There(It's A Hidden Street).

Now Click On The Stone. Question please refer to 3rd Job Advancement Guide. Wisdom Questions Included.

3rd Job: PRIEST
The Most Common type of priest is HS max 1st priest.. [ HS is holy symbol ] It gives the priest more place to train & easy to get a party in FOG.

Adding SP at Lvl 70 - 120
There are a few different guides on how to distribute SP for Priest.

-Zakum Priest [Max Dispel, then Shining Ray]
-HS Priest [Max Holy Symbol first]
-Doom Priest [Max Doom, instead of Summon Dragon]

70 - 1 dispel
71 - 2 dispel , 1 HS
72 - 3 HS
73 - 3 HS
74 - 3 HS
75 - 3 HS
76 - 3 HS
77 - 3 HS
78 - 3 HS
79 - 3 HS
80 - 3 HS

81 - 2 HS [MAx] , 1 Door
82 - 3 SR
83 - 3 SR
84 - 3 SR
85 - 3 SR
86 - 3 SR
87 - 3 SR
88 - 3 SR
89 - 3 SR
90 - 3 SR

91 - 3 SR [ Max ]
92 - 3 ER
93 - 3 ER
94 - 3 ER
95 - 3 ER
96 - 3 ER
97 - 3 ER
98 - 2 ER [ max ] , 1 Summon Dragon
99 - 3 Summon dragon
100 - 3 Summon dragon

101 - 3 Summon dragon
102 - 3 Summon dragon
103 - 3 Summon dragon
104 - 3 Summon dragon
105 - 3 Summon dragon
106 - 3 Summon dragon
107 - 3 Summon dragon
108 - 2 Summon dragon [max] 1 Doom
109 - 3 doom
110 - 3 doom

111 - 3 doom
112 - 3 dispel
113 - 3 dispel
114 - 3 dispel
115 - 3 dispel
116 - 3 dispel
117 - 3 dispel
118 - 2 dispel [ max ] , 1 Doom
119 - 3 doom
120 - 3 doom

Training Spot
[Lv71 ~ 80]



FOG(Hidden Street in Sleepywood)

[Lv92 ~ 12x]

Squid/ Risell Squid / Grim Phantom Watch

Click here for Part I of Cleric / Priest Guide


Hidden Street
Asiasoft Forum: Guide for Cleric / Priest