Saturday, September 29, 2007

A Question...

A phrase quoted from a blog:
"What do guys know about love?

I find it rather funny when female friends asked me this question. In their mind, they always felt that guys don’t know anything about love. Even if they do know about it but they never seem to be emotional towards anything.

I don’t think it’s true.

I find guys are as emotional and sentimental as any species of any kind. Maybe the fact of us being born as male species requires them to be dominant.

Ego, pride, whatever you name it. The feeling does not allow others to recognize them as the weaker kind that falls into wheels of emotion.

In a relationship, the role of the male is to protect and possess the female as so to say. Being protective means you have express yourself as mentally strong and not swayed into temptations.

But not all guys are like that.

As far as I know there are a couple of them who gets all emotional during a quarrel. Guys do cry when they are sad. It’s a lie if they tell you they never cry before, for there’s nothing chauvinist for a man to shed his tears but for a fruitful course that is.

Adults cried quietly, trying to hide the attention of those weary eyes.

I cried many times in my life, sometimes over silly things, sometimes over a sad movie, sometimes over a failure, sometimes over a relationship. But if you ask me whether I have cried before, my answer would most probably be a straight no in your face.

But if you ask me what I know about love. My answer would surprisingly be a ‘no’ too.

All I can only tell you that love is a remarkable experience that only you alone can feel when it hits you.

Everyone’s definition and impression is different and there’s no right or wrong to it. There’s no logic or rational thinking towards love. There’s only how you feel that leads you. That’s why people always say “go with your heart” in a relationship.

A relationship is not measurable with any formula or logical explanation. If you like a person, you will really like him/her despite all the bad points that he/she has… and even you yourself won’t believe what decision you have made.

When that time comes, you’ll know that you’re in love.

This is Love, all irrational and unbelievably true.

End of Quote...

I dunno how true is that. But like the author said... Guys will say "No, I don't know much about Love..." even for me... Although there's one sentence I agreed with the author and that is:

"A relationship is not measurable with any formula or logical explanation. If you like a person, you will really like him/her despite all the bad points that he/she has… and even you yourself won’t believe what decision you have made."

I once liked a girl very, very much...

Till a point that I liked her anger, her stubbornness, her unreasonableness, her straight-forwardness, her everything...

Her silliness would never fail to bring a smile to my face, even if it was just a small gesture by her.

Her smile would brighten up my dull days...
Her tears would stir my emotions to feel with her...
Her lousy sense of direction would urge me to grab her by her hand to guide her to the right path...
I would do literally anything for her, just to see her smile, just to see her happy...
Simple & Pure. Never once had I doubted my feelings for her. Never once had I questioned myself. All because I followed my heart...

Even though she might never once thought about two of us being together, I never regretted liking her, letting her know my feelings for her, making all the so-called "silly decisions & actions". For I followed my heart...

I once liked a girl very, very much...

And I still do...


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