Sunday, September 23, 2007


stolen from Sherilyn *Sori :P*

[ ]You have a boyfriend/girlfriend
[ ]You are in love
[x]You have your own room.
[x]You own a cell phone.
[x]You have an ipod/ mp3 player
[x]Your parents are still married.
[x]You have more than 1 best friend.
[ ]There is a swimming pool in yourbackyard
T.0.T.A.L: 5


[x] You dress how you want to.
[x] You hang out with friends more than once a week
[x] There is a computer/ laptop inyour room
[ ] You have never been beaten up
[x] You NEVER cry more than twice a month.
[x] You are allowed to listen to the music you want to.
[x] Your room is big enough for you.
T.0.T.A.L: 6


[x] You have over 50 friends onfriendster
[x] You have over 500 friends on friendster
[ ] You have over 1000 friends on friendster
[x] You have pictures on friendster
[x] Your parents let you have a friendster
[x] You get allowance
[x] You collect something normal.
[x] You look forward to goingto school.
[x] You don't wish you were someone else.
[x] You play a sport.
[x] You do something after school.
T.O.T.A.L: 10


[ ] You own a car.
[x] You usually don't fight with your mom
[x] You are satisfied with your appearance
[ ] You have never gotten a failing grade in your life
[x] You have friends
T.0.T.A.L: 3


[x] You know what is going on in theworld.
[x] You care about many people.
[x] You know more than one language
[x] You have a screen name.
[ ] You own a pet.
[x] You know the words to more than 5 songs.
[x] You dont have any enemies
[x] You are a generally nice person.
T.O.T.A.L: 7


T.O.T.A.L... O.V.E.R.A.L.L: 31
Now count your numbers and multiply by 3!
my life is 93% happy! hahaha :D

Real or not haha!!! I'm 93% Happy hahaha!!! That's great!!!


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