Thursday, November 29, 2007

Plans put on hold...

I realised one thing immediately after I started working...

My family suddenly became very dependent on my Income. Never had I felt this kind of pressure before. It's killing, yet at the same time, not killing you, just suffocating you slightly. Though at times, it increases the force slightly, but it's more than enough to make you wanna kill it.

New PC monitor - Delayed till further notice
New External HDD - Delayed indefinitely

Needless to say, the rest of my plans like saving up for trips & Uni-studies are all screwed-up or delayed indefinitely.

Now, I finally understood a thing my Grandfather said through a Medium last year: "This generation would still be suffering. Only the next generation, will the level of lifestyle improve..." It seems that my dream of going for further studies is leaving me further & further away...

I don't like this feeling. NO! More like I HATE THIS FEELING!!! I'm not gonna give in to FATE!!!