Saturday, October 06, 2007

Tied up....

So sorry guys, especially my dear blog... So long never update what's been going on with my life...

Life at my job is beginnin to settle in, as I begin to get tuned in more & more with each passing day...

At the same time, life is starting to get monotonous. Wake up at 8:30am, wash up, bathe, breakfast, dress up, leave my house at 9:35am. Catch the 9:45am bus (For god sake, Bus 293 is always so so so SLOW!!!!)

Board the 9:50/9:55am train. The usual pretty girls I get to see everyday... Whenever I see them, I'll give them a friendly smile. Maybe its because we see each other almost every single day, thus we would recognised each other as "familiar" faces...

As usual, the train would be packed from head to toe, and I would listen to my cute little red MP3 Player (Ops! I forgotten to post the pictures of my cute MP3 player haha!!! I'll do that soon...)

Around 10:25am, I'll reach Tanjong Pagar and reach my Office 10:30am sharp haha!!!

And I'll knock off around 6:30pm +/- 10mins. Reach home around 8pm. By then, I'm already half-"shagged" or left with only 40% energy... I'll have my dinner in front of my TV, while I watch some Taiwanese Idol Drama (Currently watching Ai Sha 17 by Zhang Shao Han)

Unable to use my PC, cuz it'll be "dominated" by my sister, I could only stick to my show... Around 10:30pm or 11pm, I would visit my dreamland... And the whole process will repeat itself...

BORING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's a TOTAL BORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What can I do??? Save up enough money to go further studies... OR start my own fashion business...

Will post pictures I've taken last few weeks. I just realised that I've tons of new photos in my phone, which I didn't had time to upload... *GEEZ*


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