Sunday, October 07, 2007

...Left-Out Photos...

Finally... I have time to post those photos which I didn't had the chance to upload...

Feast at Toa Payoh Central's Sakae Sushi

We ordered sushi, noodles, snacks and ate our hearts out haha!!! It was really fun!!!
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
CHEESE!!! The results of our "Battle" Well, it's considered little...

We ordered this cute looking sushi, that had two LONG Asparagus.

Cute Corn Croquettes

Some random shots taken

Her poor shoulder....

My Work Place
Welcome to my beloved workplace...

The laptop I use everyday to do my work. But there's a problem with the battery *Sigh*

*TADA* The place next to my work desk, where I'll do my presentation to customers.

Swollen Eyes

This poor bird had its left eye swollen, till a state that it was gonna pop out any moment!! YUKE!!!

Cheeky Shots! By Sally & Anna...

A Shop I found at Takashimaya, which had exactly the same name as my dad. haha!!!

A new Shop

Recently, a new confectionery shop opened around my work place. And this was the scene on Day 1.


Only for freaking donuts... What's wrong with Singaporeans...

This is a Juice Stall near my workplace. A big glass & It's only $1.50!!!
In the picture is Priscilla, one of the 3 new interns at our company. A sweet girl.

Next time, I''ll post some more photos of my working colleagues...


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