Still remember during my Poly days I used to frequent that place often. Even after several years, the place never change much, but the crowd has changed... The crowd has gotten younger & of cause, the drinks have gotten cheaper... I guess that's one of the reasons why youngsters like to go there...
For cheap drinks...
Met up with J & Jane after work after Raffles Place. We went over to Merlion Park. And I took some photos of our National Icon
Lucky it's fountain was on that night... Very pretty...
Then, we head down to Double "O". As it was Ladies' Night, definitely it'll be filled with tons of girls... As Time ticked closer to midnight, the place got wilder with each passing second...
Soon, the dance floor was ignited by the Club's Dancers, and the area exploded instantly. Hits after Hits were delivered through the Juggernaut Speakers.
Some photos we took in Double "O"
After some drinks, we hit the dance floor as well... Frankly speaking, I don't know what's wrong with guys who hit the dance floor but simply refuses to dance... All they did was stand there, hit some so-called "Cool poses" and look on... C`mon dudes! Dance! You're on the Dance Floor, if you don't wanna dance, then get the hell outta here!!! YOU'RE WASTING THE SPACE!!!
But i can say, guys who can really dance are seldom in Clubs. But dancing with your group of friends is even better... haha!!!
Can't club too much liaoZ...been visiting clubs almost every 2-3 days and still have work the very next day... Too tiring...
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