Although the shoot started rather late at 9:20am, and was rather chaotic at times, but somehow or rather, overall, things went smoothly, and we ended the session at 11:45pm. Keeping in mind that we had to take individual photographs of all 70 kids, 5 formal & informal Class photographs.
By the end of the shoot, both of us were dead beaten, even though we weren't the ones handling the kids... And we decided to head down to a stretch of hawker centres opposite Bukit Timah Shopping Centre & Beauty World Centre.
But made me realised one thing: Teachers of any level, are really magnanimous figures. Especially, nursery & kindergarten teachers. Not only do they have to be an educator, but they have to be a friend, a mother, a brother, a sister or even a mentor at different times of the day, or maybe assuming different roles at the same time... If it was me, I don't think I'll be able to assume such a figure. Or even worse, I might go crazy by the end of just one day... haha!!!
Back to lunch... We came to this long stretch of hawker centre opposite Bukit Timah Shopping Centre... I've never been there before, but was definitely an eye-opener. The range of food is HUGE!!! From muslim to indian, from Chinese to Western, from Taiwan to Korean... I guess there's at least 20 restaurants just on that 100 metres lane...
In the end we settled for a prata stall, which Han Siong said is famous for its prata. He ordered cheese mushroom & ice Milo Dinosaur, while I ordered cheese egg & ice tea with milk.
A small piece of prata... But please please please please please.... Don't be deceived by its appearance!!! The chef was very generous with the amount of cheese and was evenly spread out. The egg was half cooked. And the whole prata was beautifully cooked.. Every bite of the prata is filled with lotsa cheese & egg... YUM YUM!!! Just talking & recalling the prata that day, is enough to make me salivate!!!
Dip a piece of the Prata into their specially home-made vegetarian vege curry... Marvelous...
Oh!!! And the Ice milk tea... Brewed with Lipton red tea. The drink is orange-red in colour. Not too sweet & not too bitter... Make you wanna just keep drinking & drinking & drinking... Never get sick of it...
OH MY GOSH!!! I'm gonna go back there one weekend to have their prata AGAIN!!! HAHA!!!
Oh... Almost forgot... I only had one piece of prata and I was FULL... Even I couldn't believe it...
After which, Han Siong gave me a ride back to Office. From there I took MRT home...
Friday. Back to Office with ton of work to be done and endless calls to answer and more appointments to fix... Seems like a typical day for me haha!!!
Can't wait for Saturday to come by, as I'll be joining Ah Hui for Wedding Dinner... Wonder what she'll wear...
Yesterday, Saturday, had an appointment at 1pm. But it was ALL the way at Bukit batok.. SO FAR AWAY!!! But well, for the sake of my commission, I gladly do it haha!!! Met up with the clients. But what kinda shocked me was the crowd awaiting me... The client's house was packed with at least 12 people... 4 couples and the rest were maybe their aunties and parents...
So.. after very brief introduction, we went straight into the jeez of today's discussion. Wedding Package Price. No showreel of our company's production, just pure discussion of pricing...
Having given them an upfront 20% discount off the pcakge, they couldn't touch that anymore *YEAH!!* So it was trimmed down to extra items and discount on OT rates... Keeping in mind the previous meet-up with Mr. W (That F*ed up wedding client....) I was told them all the additional charges and all the terms & conditions and carefully explained to them every single detail...
And of cause, writing down all the things we had discussed.
Finally, after many rounds of discussion, everyone was happy with the price and we signed...
To my surprise, it wasn't one package, but four!!! Because I only brought 3 order forms, but I made an arrangement with the fourth couple to sign the order form next week evening in town. And the deposit can be made when they come down to pass us the photos for the Photo Montage.
Happy happy!!! haha!!! So many packages signed in just one afternoon... I think I really have to thank god for giving me such a good opportunity... I guess I was griming all the way back to Office haha! Cause quite a number of people were looking at me... But I don't really bother haha!
Back to Office... Quiet and cozy... Started to bitch with them about the earlier appointment, while having my lunch...
Quite disappointing in the evening because the Wedding Dinner with Ah Hui was called off... Not sure what was on her mind... But never-mind, luckily I knew my friends were in Orchard, so immediately I went off to find them...
After some shopping & dinner, we went to Double O to chill. It was "Retro Night". It's been a while since I visited "Retro Night". Just hope that the DJ would play some cool hits, so that we can have a great time dancing & partying...
The drinks were really cheap. $12 for a Mixer Jug. $3 per Tequila shot or Tequila Pop. Definitely a place for people to chill & drink around 9pm to 11 plus, before moving on to St. James or MOS to dance the night away...
In total, if I remembered correctly, we ordered 1 shot Jagameiser, 3 Mixer Jug, 8 shots of Tequila, before we hit the Dance Floor... The DJ was excellent that night, linking popular Retro Hits, one after another... And not forgetting Classics from Bon Jovi, U2, ABBA & Michael Jackson... I guess all of us really sweated it out on the Dance Floor haha!!!
At Double O: Jane & Sally (Before Sally's all red...)
Ber, Jane & Sally (After Sally's all Red..)
My only pic with Jane ;)
Our usual photo "whore" haha!!!
But the night wasn't over, till we said it was OVER... Ber's friend, Gerald, came over to join us. Being an "Anti-Double O" person, he invited us over to his friend's pub, which was none other than ChillZ Bar... HAHAH!!! How coincidental right??? It's the same pub i always frequent with Ah Hui's frenz...
There, Gerald introduced to us the Lady Boss, Cecilia, as well as some of his colleagues... They were really a bunch of fun-loving people, who loves to be in a company of their friends... We sang, drank and played mini games... It was definitely a very, very fun night... Thanks Gerald & Cecilia!
All of us playing a new version of "Fist Guessing" Game.
Well, I guess I'm still nursing the hang-over I had from last night hahaha!!! Don't think I'll be heading down to Club anytime soon...
That is... Till Siong Siong comes back... haha!!!
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