What's been happening to me this week??
Well, Monday to Wednesday were quite normal, go out appointment & show clients some samples blah blah blah...
Thursday: We were informed that we have an exhibition on the coming Saturday, which was 13/10. Really sucks lor! So late then inform us... But never-mind, at least we don't have to prepare much things. Just print brochures, price-list, video & photo samples, stationaries and order forms...
Friday was the one day that sent me on a Roller Coaster Ride... 2 customers on the same day, almost made me wanna laugh & cry, and even KILL them!!! Let's name them A & B
Customer A is the Husband of Ms W, whom me & my manager has been co-ordinating very long for their wedding video. They know that their Wedding is on Hari Raya Puasa, which is a Public Holiday. Most services provided on a Public Holiday or Sunday or even Peak Season, there're surcharges or increase in pricing.
All along, while we were discussing about the price for their filming, we never include the additional charge. We only touch on that when the client ask or when we touch on clause, terms & conditions....
In the end, we settled for a final price of $600 for 6 hours shoot, which is actually way under market rate. Because $600 includes video filming & video post-production. The usual price is $850 for 6 hours of filming plus post-production.
Anyway, the husband is SUCH AN SSSSS!!!!!! On the day that he came to sign the package, he kept insisting that he wish to speak to my manager blah blah blah, even though I was involve in it as well... Throughout the whole conversation, his body language, tone of voice, type of words used, were so so so demanding and defensive. I found it absolutely difficult to strike a conversation with him, less building a rapport...
And did I mentioned that he was an almost 50 year old uncle? Enough to be my dad? YEAH!! He was that OLD!!! Sounded so much like a father. Demand this, demand that... "I want this", "I want that" type of attitude...
Even threw me this sentence, "I was in Sales line before..." So???!!! So what if you were in Sales line before? Does that make you the "BIG DADDY" in my office? I never scream in your face, because you're the client, and you're my senior, I give you face. if not I would have smashed your head with my big fat calculator and threw you out of my office.
C`mon lah uncle!!! Go get a life, get married,
TRY to make your 40+ year old wife pregnant if you STILL CAN make your "di-di" stand attention... And rot in your house!!!
Customer B, Mr W. Tan, a wedding client I met up about 1 month ago. Discussed about wedding packages and pricing blah blah blah... At that point of time, he couldn't confirm with me the actual timing of his make-up artist, thus I didn't told him about the additional charges. Boy! That was one BIG mistake I made.
Why? He assumed it as
"We don't have additional charges for early call-in or OT..." BULLSHIT!!! On Friday evening, he used phrases like, "I collectively gathered...", "Information which were told to me...", "I don't mean to push MY way through..." or "I don't wish to make things worse...", "I'm not a very mean guy. But just wanna let you know that..."
He was so smart & so cautious with his words... That I should give him an Oscar Award for
"Best Supporting Actor". He was indirectly pushing all the blames to me... YES!!! Pushing Every Single Farking fault to ME... Making me looked like I was the one who made all the faults, all the blames, all the misunderstandings....
FINE!!! I accept ALL the blames, because, like what
"Customer is always right!" Because of this sentence, because I wanna earn
HIS money, because I want
MY commission, unwillingly forced all the blames, all the misunderstanding, and all the faults down my throat...
Well... In the end, he still signed the wedding package. Great!! At least I reached my motive. Commission in my pocket. Done! Happy! but not THAT happy...
Right after I finished handling that irritating Mr. W. Tan, my office immediately switched into "War" mode... Everyone were busy preparing for Saturday's Exhibition, cutting brochures, looking through videos & photos, making duplicate CDs, packing stationaries.
After a final check at 7:30pm, DONE! We were all set for the Exhibition at Furama Riverfront.
Furama RiverFront Level 3, 2PMExhibition tables set, brochures in goodies bags, flowers up, food & beverages ready, Cameras in place, Lightings ready, all guests have arrived... Let the Fashion show Be...
Er... Before that I show you some photos before the Runaway starts...
These standing flower bowls were littered all over the venue. NICE!
Entrance of our Exhibition Hall.
A close-up shot of the champagne glasses and the Champagne tower
FOOD GALORE!!!The Exhibition was pretty short-lived. From 2pm to 6pm. And time flew by pretty fast. With only about 90mins of time for us to get as many deals as possible (From 4pm to 5:30pm), everyone were going straight to the point. Showreel Cut! Photo Slideshow Cut! Casual talks cut! Go straight to the Price.
Me, Eileen and Han Siong had to build rapport with customers in the shortest time possible and strike a deal with them. It was almost "Mission Impossible". Out of the 30 plus couples we talked to, we only managed to strike 3 deals. The process was nerve-recking, but the experience of holding an Exhibition is truly priceless.
Now at least I know what to do during an exhibition, what to bring, when to do certain things & how to do certain things. Timing and ambiance are two very critical elements for Exhibitions. One wrong move and the initial intention for that item will be ruined.
After the Exhibition, I rushed down to Orchard to meet up with Hui. As we're going for a Wedding Dinner next week, we still haven't pick a dress for her to wear... *headache*
Instead of it being an outing to buy a dress, I think it's more of an outing to destress... Both of us are very stressed with our work. Schedule everyday is packed to the max, leaving almost little time for our own things...
But still, we both managed to squeeze some time out to relax our mind and body, and do the things we love best. SHOPPING!!!
At Pasta Mania, having dinner.
At Hereen.
Notice anything different about Hui in the picture? YES! She's wearing a spag top. For the first time in 4 years, this is the first time I see her wearing a spag top when we go out... When I first saw her, my eyes were wide open. I was unsure whether that was her or not... But after "slapping" myself, accepted the fact... She looks great in spags *which I've been telling her all along*
Please. Wear that kinda clothes more often...
After we finished shopping, we went over to Boat Quay to join her friends at a newly-opened pub: Amber 21. Quite a nice pub, nice ambiance, cute gals, and good crowd. They were there to celebrate one of their friends going to Australia for overseas training. Lucky chap, going to Australia, though it's training, but still very lucky...
We drank a bit, sang a few songs and we went off at 11plus. Really wanted to stay a little longer. But because I had to go off for a midnight show at Century Square: Brotherhood.
It's a new HK movie, about Gangsters *AGAIN!!!* The cast for this movie is huge. Andy Lau, Eason Cheng, and many other veteran actors & actresses.
Although we missed the first 20mins of the show, but it didn't really throw us off the whole show, making us clueless what was going on in the later part of the show. Because the main point of the movie would only be revealed at the end...
Rating 3.5 out of 5 stars. Worth the money.