Went out with dear dear after work hahaha... Then we headed down to Marina Square to have our dinner... Just when we were having a headache where to eat... "JUST ACIA" came up to us...
FEMALE ASST.: "HI! We are having a promotion right now..." and handed us a leaflet.
Between us: "Hmmmm... Seems not bad hor... Somemore got things I can eat... OK lah... Let's go there =)"
The food there is not bad... Nice of them to provide free flow of drinks, coffee, tea and ice cream. =) Oh... Do try out their 7-11 Mr. Softee-like ice cream.. DAMN NICE! Bring back a lot of memories of the 7-11 Mr. Softee ice cream =)
ORCHARD ROAD - 20.11.09
What happens with a guy. a girl . a camera and a stretch of road filled with X`mas decorations? IT`S PHOTO-WHORING TIME!!!
The shot I've been wanting to take for a LONG TIME...
Dear dear buying ice-cream from Auntie =)
After all the photo-whoring from Orchard Road to Marina Square... we rest our poor & hardworking legs at HKcafe =)
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