Well... Let's start off with the "ATTACK OF THE GIRLS' ROOM!!!"
The girls are busy preparing so that they looked their best =) And for the photos too!
Helping each other out... Almost done!
As for me... Being the only guy and the "Official Photographer", I was bored... So I played with Sally's Piglet!
"THE CORRIDOR"... Where Mysterious things are said to happen....
Groupies in the cab... I was sitting in front -.-|||
We've reached our Destination: KL Pavilion. The new kid in town =)
Some photos are the entrance...
At Esprit
What are they doing?!
This is how big the Shopping Center is!!! And how wide the walking areas are!!!
Forever 21.
It's BIG! And very well-organised. All their clothes are nicely organized into different sectors. Each Sector represents a different style
Acting fierce...
Ber Ber =)
While the girls are away shopping... It's time for Me & Ber Ber Photo time!!!
The girls enjoying themselves... While we search for a place to Lunch...
Can't help it but "Cheng Yao!" (OST: Show Luo)
At Crystal Jade
WOW!!! BIG!!!
Our Coffee
Our meals =)
The food at Crystal jade KL was really really awesome!!! Way better than Singapore ones... And their servings were really really generous. Even I was taken back by the amount they served. Of cause, the girls can't finish it... Too much...
Their service was excellent as well (Well, maybe because we were the ONLY people there...) The waiters were really funny too and of cause professional...
Tummy-satisfied people =) OFF TO MORE SHOPPING!
Double storey COACH!!!
Not again... RAIN RAIN RAIN... Can you just go away?!
Thinking where to go...
Back to Sungei Wang for more cheap shopping haha!!!
After a busy Day of shopping, we went back to our hotel rooms for a short rest before we head down to Chi Chong Gai (China town) before it rains again!!! (WHY?!)
Drinking the famous Dried Longan Drink =)
On our way back.... The KL Radio Tower...
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