Wanted to dine at this Japanese Restaurant at Marina Square. But it was out of our budget. Never mind... One day, I'll be able to dine there without worrying the price... JUST YOU WAIT!
Thus, we diverted to this Restaurant called "Aza" something... I only remember them for their unique range of Ice cream. But didn't know they have a dining cafe as well. COOL!!!
The food & dessert were very nice... *YUM YUM* Very nicely decorated & displayed. 4 of 5 stars haha!!
Then, we went to Topshop & Zara shop shop... But one small incident happened... *SOB SOB*
I accidentally broke Ber's toenail *Heart pain* Cuz she was walking behind me, then her toe knock against the heels of my shoe & broke her nail... And started bleeding... *Sob sob* So sorry...
At Zara, me & Steve started our bad habit again. We started trying out blazers, jackets & V-neck shirts haha!!! In the end, I saw none that caught my eye, but Steve bought a V-neck, navy blue de. Very nice...
I need to INCREASE MY SHIRTS & PANTS!!! Can anyone donate? haha!!!
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