Never realised that my blog has became a "Forest of Mushrooms" in just a two weeks... SCARY!!!
17 Nov 07. Jane's Ex-Boyfriend's Birthday
We met up at Clark Quay MRT station, before we head over to Double "O", together with Jane, her Ex-BF, Sally & Bernice.
As it was still early (10plus pm only!!!), we ordered "Volcano", a couple Tequila shots, as well as "Breezers". And we played "Hai Dai Quan" & "Fist Number" game. Poor Birthday Boy & Sally were so "lucky", kept losing & drinking. hahaha!! GOOD! That was our motive haha!!!
Around Midnight, we hit the dance floor. I guess I'll let the pictures do the talking.
23 Nov 07.
Went walk walk at Airport with Bernice... Drop-by Terminal 3. But apparently it was still under construction. Very limited areas were opened to Public. So we went to Terminal 2 instead.
PACKED WITH PEOPLE... Most of them going overseas for Holidays & Tours. I don't really like to travel during June & December, as these are the Peek Periods and prices are being hijacked. Rather go during the March or August. At least the weather is cooler.
Went to have Sushi feast (FINALLY!!!)
27 Nov 07
Went walk walk after work at Vivo City with Bernice. Beautiful skies. Beautiful X`mas Tree. Romantic atmosphere.
Went to Daiso to shop for some cheap items, den went over to Mini-Toons and bought an uber-cute gift box! Hui's gonna love it haha!!!
A HUGE X`mas tree at the Rooftop of Vivo City
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