Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Sick Demon found me.... *Sad*

Argh! Being sick sucks! Sucks big time I tell you.... I talk a bit *cough cough* I breathe a bit *A chu*

sigh... Yesterday was Mid-Autumn Festival, yet I spent the whole night not enjoying the moon, but resting in my bed, fighting those evil viral... ARGH!!!

Took half day off to come back home to rest... I think I'm kinda irritated by cold air... cuz the Moment I got out from Air Con room, my coughing and sneezing stopped all together... Sigh...

I WANNA GET WELLL!!! Take that you irritating virus! *Throws a punch at the Virus*


Finally my trip to Taiwan can be realised!!! Planning on 23rd March or 30th March. And it'll be a 5D 5N trip there... coming back on the 6th Day heee... Will be going with my dear sisters of 12 years...

It'll be fun!!! But have to book tickets and hotel rooms quick, as they're being grabbed up pretty fast!


Just read her blog. She has someone she like now. Great. Must be a guy in her life guard course.
Tall, Handsome, has a bike, has a career, wonderful personality. *Smile*

Since she has someone she adores now... I guess it's about time for me to move on as well... Somehow or rather, after knowing that she has a liking or crush on someone, I felt a sense of relieve, and not a sense of jealousy... Strange...

Still, I should move on... Enjoy my single-hood again! Enjoy being a bachelor once more! Well, that's until I find a girl I wanna spend the rest of my life with... Else, I guess I'll just stay single...



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