Running Route:
I arrived at the reporting Point around 4:30am, and already the place was packed with tons of runners warming up and going for top glory at the 21KM Competitive Category.
At 515am, all runners in the 21KM competitive and Non-competitive, slowly made their way to the starting point, with the Competitive category running first at 530am. And we started 30mins later.
The whole journey from the Start to Finish was something which I guess I would never forget... Running the whole journey with your best camp buddies, eoncouraging each other along the way, suffer together, laugh together, joking and making a fool of ourselves along the way...And enjoy the glory of eaching the finish line together... The feeling of it was just overwhelming...
Though the physical pain of my poor legs would momentarily take me back to reality, but if I was to be given another chance to choose the outcome of today, I would still go for the run.
Tomorrow is my first day at work!! HAHA! So excited about it!! HAHA!!! Can't wait for tomorrow to come... Ok! I'm going to bathe den sleep...else tomorrow I won't be in top condition for work haha!!!
I just hope that whatever happened to you in the past, I just hope that you would stop re-living in the past, and look forward to the future and towards your dreams and hopes. But rather, most importantly, see and realised the Life lessons hidden behind all the things you've been through.
It is because of these lessons that made you who you are, what you are and where you are today. Though you might not wanna go through what you've been through, if you were given a chance. But I just want you to know that you can see the lessons hidden behind these shit, accept it and understand it...
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