a) World Peace!!! Please... Enough of fighting and war... Enough deaths and suffering!
b) Me & Ber Ber be together, and we can grow old together.
c) Pay back my Tuition Loan, which is about 5 grands... Still have about 50% to go. Hopefully can reduce it by another further 50%.
d) Biggest Project I've ever set out for myself: RENOVATE MY ROOM!!! Below are the things I need to get.
the space in my Room.
Getting more and more cramp liao!!! OMG!!!
Both me & my sister, seriously need a new cupboard for our ever-expanding clothes... It's just too small us!!!
So that it makes my room more spacious
Gives my room that extra touch of "Kampong" ha!!!
Make full use of the walls in my room to put things on the shelves.
e) Can I don't be so POOR??? Every month, I can't save any freaking single cent, cause the tuition loan deduct every single cent from my account until there's only $1 left...
Can't go shopping, can't watch movie, can't go anywhere, can't do anything I love, I like, I want. cause those freaking banks deduct every single cent from my account, leaving me almost penniless... And that leads to my last wish...
[E.g First Prize in 4D, TOTO, or suddenly someone accidentally transferred a huge amount of money to my account] Best is just nice can settle all bloody, godfather, godmother, freaking debts and be debt-free. So that all of us can go back to do whatever we like. Yeah! That would be enough leh...
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