Han-na is a phone sex employee as well as lip sync vocalist for Ammy, a famous Korean pop singer. Instead of being famous for her amazing vocal talent, Hanna hides behind in her little room. Ammy humiliates her in front of Sang-jun with whom Han-na is in love with. Desperately, Han-na decides that it's time to get a head-to-toe plastic surgery makeover. When she comes back from hospital, no one recognizes her. She soon earns her own record label with Sang-jun and becomes famous. Soon, Sang-jun finds out about her plastic surgery (she tried to hide it from him and when he asked if she went under the knife, she said no). Jenny (Han-na's alter Ego) soon loses who she really was. The time came for her concert came and Jenny broke down. Not knowing who she really was, she broke down in front of millions. On that very stage, she told everyone who she really was. The fat and ugly Han-na. People cheered for her saying that it was alright. She soon realized that she was the same Han-na. Han-na released a new album under the name Han-na, not Jenny. All ended well after that.
Watched this movie last Saturday Night just before I book in for my Guard Duty. The movie's storyline was realistic, practical, yet at the same time, holds a little "Fantasy in Reality".
But, at the same time, it reflects the actual problem our present society is facing, Physical Beauty. For the past century, women have been obsessed with being slim, beautiful and fair-skinned. So much so, that in the past 30 odd-years, many girls, who wants to have the "Perfect Body" resorted to Plastic Surgery, in order to achieve what they want.
Yet, many who went after the knife, dare not let their families and friends know about it at all. Many lubricated lies, after lies, to cover up this "Dark Secret". Because, even though Plastic Surgery is fast becoming a "common" thing, there are still millions of people who are still very negative about Plastic Surgery.
And, not many women, were as brave as Han-na, to make a sincere confession in front of millions of people, that she has went for Plastic Surgery.
This is indeed one of the best Korean Movies I've watched in recent years. Not only does it surface a Society Problem, the movie send the message across in a light-hearted manner, that many won't find it aggressive. Comedy.