New soldiers came in Last thursday, so practically I'll be working till very late. Everytime there's an intake I'll work till very very late... *Yawn* But this time round it's different.
It was a total screwed up. Because the new soldiers came in according to their PES C status, the individual companies have to fork out extra time to sort all the new soldiers out. And this has slowed down alot of things.
More over, the last wave of soldiers came in very late. SO, everything was done in a big rush, from equipping them with items to dekitting, not one bit of the whole process I was happy with. BY the time they finished De-kitting, it was alreasdy 6:30pm, thus they had to pause the process half-way and proceed for dinner, as the COOK HOUSE was closing soon. This caused the whole process to be further delayed by 1 Hour plus.
Being very unhappy with the arrangement Manpower Department has for this recruitment, I went back to my office, during this dinner break to sent an email to my superior, addressing the numerous problems we faced for this recruitment.
Finally, I was able to knocked off at 10pm. Was totally worn out by the time I made my way to SBL Cafe. But luckily, Mr pandian, Firdaus and Jenson were there. Mr. Pandian was in a very good mode, so He treated all of us dinner! haha!! Thanks man!! Had a big plate of fried rice. It was heaven! heee...Maybe it's due to me being too hungry haha!!!
And a surprise came, one of the storeman was going to ORD the very next day, so he treated all of us Tiger Beer, he came with 12 cans of beer first and I drank 2 cans. But because I was just too tired, so I went off first. Though, another reason was to prevent them pushing me can after can of tiger beer. HAHA!!!
Friday was swift, but I cant book out, cuz the very next day, 9DIV will be holding a Family Day. So, i decided to stay-in instead.
Had one of the best sleep I ever had for months ever since I entered Army. I slept all the way till 9am hahaa!!! Slowly packed my dirty clothes into my bag, den slowly strolled to the toilet to freshen up & bathe hehe...
The family day was quite boring. From the scale of the event, you can straight away know that not much money was spent on the Family Day. Same old performance from SAF MDC (Music & Dance company). All the food and desserts were the same... Ice cream, cream puff, mee siam, Laksa, Cordial, bee hoon...
Simple games like, "Throw the Can", "Score the GOAL!", "Airbrush Tattoo", "Loop the Hoop". And also, the stupid Singtel and Starhub booth promoted camera phones when Camera Phones were totally disallowed in the Whole SAF now. Of cause they won't have much business. STUPID DUMBASS...
Went to get a temporary tattoo haha! Had it sprayed on the back of my neck haha! Total Diaoness!
Secretly took the 12pm boat out of the island. DIdn't wanna stay any longer. Cuz it was totally boring me to death... Went home quickly haha!!!
My sister told me that Sally & Wei Siong were coming to our house later around 2 plus. I was like "Ok..." Though I don't know why they wanna come to our house, cuz our house was like NOTHING TO PLAY or Entertain guests...Sigh.. How I wish that I have a Kala OK set at home, at least can entertain Guests when they come over...
After which, we went to Tampines Central to have dinner and walk walk around. Then I went to find Ber... Had a so-called heart-to-heart chat with her. Gotta know her a little bit better after last night. She's really a knid and caring girl, who loves her mum alot alot...
Dunno if tomorrow Ber wan me to fetch her from work at East point or not... Ah...Don't think so much lah...
My life. My world. The places I went. The people I met. The shows I watched. The music I listened. The fun, laughter, joy, sadness & sorrow I been through. All recorded in this one place. My blog.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Baby's back HOME!!!
Sorry for posting late... Was very busy the past 2 days... ArhZzz! Was supposed to be my Off in-lieu, but was scheduled to perform my guard duty. It's my first official Guard duty lolZ... After being in the Army for 1 year plus HA! Steady right? I think so too myself heee...
Arrived at the Guady Room at 8:30am sharp, then I went into the Conference Room, where the rest of the Sergents who were performing Guard Duty on the same day as me, sited. Then, the CSM of the Guard Site came into the room and told us that all our duties will only commence at 3pm.
WHAT!? 3pm!? I looked at my watch time and time again. Still quite shocked from the news. All of us still have 6 hours to go before our duties start. Oh well... At least we can catch some sleep in the meantime...
Received a call from Ber Ber around 2pm. HAHAA!!! A smile appeared on my face immediately when I saw "CALL" appeared on the display screen of my Handphone, without question I knew it was her.
She told me that her flight was delayed, due to some technical problems. Poor Girl... I miss you alot alot alot... we didn't talked much cuz overseas calls were very expensive. Anything we wanna say, wait till we meet up on Tuesday.
FINALLY! The guard duty detailing is OUT!!! Can't wait to see what I was being assigned to do.... WHAT THE HECK!!! I begin my duty only at 9PM!!! AH!!!!!! another 6 hours more to go.... I so feel like I wanna die... Sigh... Bo bian lahZ... go back to sleep again lorZ...
Performing Guard duty was really quite boring. Cuz it was the eve of public holiday, so there's not much movement of vehicles or people, thus it was quite quiet... But luckily, the rest of the people doing guard duty were also very eay-going and had quite some fun during guard duty haah!!!
Ber Ber called me around 10 plus PM. She just arrived in Singapore. YEAH! She's back to Singapore safely. But, like I predicted, she didn't quite adapted to the environment in Thailand, she was actually feeling a little ill throughout the whole trip... Poor girl... But, now she's back in Singapore, at least I won't be that worried about her, as compared when she was in Thailand ha!
TIme past quite quickly when doing guard duty. Sooner than we realised, it was close to Guard dismounting at 9am. HA! We can all go home at last hahah!!!!
Rushed back home and quickly logged onto my PC and checked my mail. Didn't had much time to to blog, cuz by the time I reached home it was already 11am. And I'm meeting Ber ber at 2pm hahha!!!OMG!
Quickly bathe and rushed out of house. But luckily I reached Outram Park MRT platform at around 1:45pm. hehhe... Ber Ber still not here yet...
Sally came along as well. COOL! ha! Always like to "suan" Sally whenever I see her hahah!! Dunno why...
Ber Ber bought a pair of Chanel Sunglasses, White, for my sister. A mickey mousse blouse and a short denim shorts. hehehe...My sister is so LUCKY CAN... heheeh... So jealous =p Just joking lahZ.
Anyway, ViVo City is SOOOoooo BIG LOR!!! That day we went, It was totally packed with tons and tons of people lor.... OH MY GOD!!!! But most of the shops are opened for business. Only like 2 out of every ten shops are still renovating. Alot of the shops there are found nowhere else in Singapore, just as what Vivo City's management promised. There were enough eateries to cater to the huge crowd that day. Thou sadly, there weren't sufficient seats for the crowd, thus we decided to "da bao" and eat outside...
Luckily the weather wasn't that hot and humid. All thanks to the rain, it really lowered the amount of Haze in the air.
Shopped around. But it was just too big liao lorZ. And the shops there were also very very very big. HAHA! Most suitable for ladies who love to shop alot. There was this fashion shop that sells alot of very nice female clothings, and very suitable for Singapore weather.
Took Bus 65 from Habourfront back to Tampines... It was a really really really long ride... Close to 1 Hr 45 mins.. hHAHAH! Reached back home around 1030pm.
So tired... Took a quick bathe, a quick dinner and went to bed... Still have to wake up 5:15am the next morning... But luckily Mr gary won't be in camp the whole of this week hahahah!!! GOOOOOOD!
Arrived at the Guady Room at 8:30am sharp, then I went into the Conference Room, where the rest of the Sergents who were performing Guard Duty on the same day as me, sited. Then, the CSM of the Guard Site came into the room and told us that all our duties will only commence at 3pm.
WHAT!? 3pm!? I looked at my watch time and time again. Still quite shocked from the news. All of us still have 6 hours to go before our duties start. Oh well... At least we can catch some sleep in the meantime...
Received a call from Ber Ber around 2pm. HAHAA!!! A smile appeared on my face immediately when I saw "CALL" appeared on the display screen of my Handphone, without question I knew it was her.
She told me that her flight was delayed, due to some technical problems. Poor Girl... I miss you alot alot alot... we didn't talked much cuz overseas calls were very expensive. Anything we wanna say, wait till we meet up on Tuesday.
FINALLY! The guard duty detailing is OUT!!! Can't wait to see what I was being assigned to do.... WHAT THE HECK!!! I begin my duty only at 9PM!!! AH!!!!!! another 6 hours more to go.... I so feel like I wanna die... Sigh... Bo bian lahZ... go back to sleep again lorZ...
Performing Guard duty was really quite boring. Cuz it was the eve of public holiday, so there's not much movement of vehicles or people, thus it was quite quiet... But luckily, the rest of the people doing guard duty were also very eay-going and had quite some fun during guard duty haah!!!
Ber Ber called me around 10 plus PM. She just arrived in Singapore. YEAH! She's back to Singapore safely. But, like I predicted, she didn't quite adapted to the environment in Thailand, she was actually feeling a little ill throughout the whole trip... Poor girl... But, now she's back in Singapore, at least I won't be that worried about her, as compared when she was in Thailand ha!
TIme past quite quickly when doing guard duty. Sooner than we realised, it was close to Guard dismounting at 9am. HA! We can all go home at last hahah!!!!
Rushed back home and quickly logged onto my PC and checked my mail. Didn't had much time to to blog, cuz by the time I reached home it was already 11am. And I'm meeting Ber ber at 2pm hahha!!!OMG!
Quickly bathe and rushed out of house. But luckily I reached Outram Park MRT platform at around 1:45pm. hehhe... Ber Ber still not here yet...
Sally came along as well. COOL! ha! Always like to "suan" Sally whenever I see her hahah!! Dunno why...
Ber Ber bought a pair of Chanel Sunglasses, White, for my sister. A mickey mousse blouse and a short denim shorts. hehehe...My sister is so LUCKY CAN... heheeh... So jealous =p Just joking lahZ.
Anyway, ViVo City is SOOOoooo BIG LOR!!! That day we went, It was totally packed with tons and tons of people lor.... OH MY GOD!!!! But most of the shops are opened for business. Only like 2 out of every ten shops are still renovating. Alot of the shops there are found nowhere else in Singapore, just as what Vivo City's management promised. There were enough eateries to cater to the huge crowd that day. Thou sadly, there weren't sufficient seats for the crowd, thus we decided to "da bao" and eat outside...
Luckily the weather wasn't that hot and humid. All thanks to the rain, it really lowered the amount of Haze in the air.
Shopped around. But it was just too big liao lorZ. And the shops there were also very very very big. HAHA! Most suitable for ladies who love to shop alot. There was this fashion shop that sells alot of very nice female clothings, and very suitable for Singapore weather.
Took Bus 65 from Habourfront back to Tampines... It was a really really really long ride... Close to 1 Hr 45 mins.. hHAHAH! Reached back home around 1030pm.
So tired... Took a quick bathe, a quick dinner and went to bed... Still have to wake up 5:15am the next morning... But luckily Mr gary won't be in camp the whole of this week hahahah!!! GOOOOOOD!
Sunday, October 22, 2006
You're away in Thailand - Day 2
昨晚睡得好甜喔!!! v^.^ 梦见了你安然无恙的回到我身边。好开心喔。。。
Saturday, October 21, 2006
You're away in Thailand - Day 1
早晨 9:30AM
心想, "还以为能在你凳机前,听下你的声音。。。"
别忙著 [瞎拼],而忘了三餐。。。
晚间 9:30PM
吗? 心想: 应该是要买鞋给我妹吧。。。
心想, "还以为能在你凳机前,听下你的声音。。。"
别忙著 [瞎拼],而忘了三餐。。。
晚间 9:30PM
吗? 心想: 应该是要买鞋给我妹吧。。。
Crazy Friday @ Changi
Finally!!!! FRIDAY AND THE WEEKENDS ARE HERE AGAIN!!! WOOoooooo!!!!!!!!!!! And because it'll be a long long long weekend ahead, practically everyone in camp were trying to clear as much paperwork as possible, so that there won't be much troubles when we start work on Wednesday...
Gonna meet up with Ber Ber, My sister, Sally, Wei Xiong, Ber Ber's Friend and Ang, later at Changi Village... hahaah!!! Can't wait to meet up with them... Miss them all so much... especially Ber Ber. lolZ :p
Because on MOnday I had to perform Guard Duty, Thus I had to take my SBO, Boots and Beret along with me when I took the 7pm fast craft out of Tekong. Yeah! GOODBYE BMTC for now hahaah! I won't be seeing you till Tuesday night lolZ!
I arrived at Changi Village quite early... Around 7:30pm, but they were still at Tampines interchange, thus I suggested to them to take Bus 19 instead as It was faster den 29. In the end, they took a cab and alighted at Changi Ferry Terminal...
Went to this Seafood Restaruant, called "Terminal". Reminded me of Fisherman Village at Pasir Ris Beach, though it's much brighter here, compared to Pasir Ris, but much hotter haahah!!!
Most of us ordered Mee Goreng, except for Sally, who ordered a Hot Plate Fried Chicken. And as usual, we started snapping our cameras away lolZ!!

Sally's meal. So beautiful lorZ... *Drooling*

Jane, Ber Ber's Good friend.Let's welcome her to our gang hahaha!!!

Sis, Xiong & Me. Taken Mins before food were served.
After meals, we took a small stroll to Changi Beach. But because they found it to be too boring, or rather too romantic for them, they decided to change the location to Pasir ris hahaah!!! And could you believe it? Even at the Bus Stop, we could snapped plenty of Photos before the Bus came HAHAH!!!

Lucky Xiong.... Surrounded by 4 beauties...

Ang, Xiong + 4 Beauties

4 Beauties again LolZ

2 Handsome + 1 Normal hahaah!!!
We took BUS 89 to Downtown East. And shot some photos along the way hahah!!! But Ang didn't alight with us, cuz he's going to a pub at Orchard ROad...

Censored!!! R21!!! haha!!!

FUnny Face! =D

4 Beauties again outside Downtown East Arcade.
As it was getting quite late, we decided to head back home... Sally took a cab home, Xiong should've accompanied her home lolZ!
While the rest of us took Bus 21 together. I alighted the bus together with Ber to send her home.... THen I went back home...
So tired... Tomorrow gonna stay at home to clean up my room... it's SOOOOOOOooo MESSY! Can't stand it at all...
Gonna miss you Ber... Really miss you alot alot!!! But becareful in Bangkok ok? Have fun too!!!
Gonna meet up with Ber Ber, My sister, Sally, Wei Xiong, Ber Ber's Friend and Ang, later at Changi Village... hahaah!!! Can't wait to meet up with them... Miss them all so much... especially Ber Ber. lolZ :p
Because on MOnday I had to perform Guard Duty, Thus I had to take my SBO, Boots and Beret along with me when I took the 7pm fast craft out of Tekong. Yeah! GOODBYE BMTC for now hahaah! I won't be seeing you till Tuesday night lolZ!
I arrived at Changi Village quite early... Around 7:30pm, but they were still at Tampines interchange, thus I suggested to them to take Bus 19 instead as It was faster den 29. In the end, they took a cab and alighted at Changi Ferry Terminal...
Went to this Seafood Restaruant, called "Terminal". Reminded me of Fisherman Village at Pasir Ris Beach, though it's much brighter here, compared to Pasir Ris, but much hotter haahah!!!
Most of us ordered Mee Goreng, except for Sally, who ordered a Hot Plate Fried Chicken. And as usual, we started snapping our cameras away lolZ!!
Sally's meal. So beautiful lorZ... *Drooling*
Jane, Ber Ber's Good friend.Let's welcome her to our gang hahaha!!!
Sis, Xiong & Me. Taken Mins before food were served.
After meals, we took a small stroll to Changi Beach. But because they found it to be too boring, or rather too romantic for them, they decided to change the location to Pasir ris hahaah!!! And could you believe it? Even at the Bus Stop, we could snapped plenty of Photos before the Bus came HAHAH!!!
Lucky Xiong.... Surrounded by 4 beauties...
Ang, Xiong + 4 Beauties
4 Beauties again LolZ
2 Handsome + 1 Normal hahaah!!!
We took BUS 89 to Downtown East. And shot some photos along the way hahah!!! But Ang didn't alight with us, cuz he's going to a pub at Orchard ROad...
Censored!!! R21!!! haha!!!
FUnny Face! =D
4 Beauties again outside Downtown East Arcade.
As it was getting quite late, we decided to head back home... Sally took a cab home, Xiong should've accompanied her home lolZ!
While the rest of us took Bus 21 together. I alighted the bus together with Ber to send her home.... THen I went back home...
So tired... Tomorrow gonna stay at home to clean up my room... it's SOOOOOOOooo MESSY! Can't stand it at all...
Gonna miss you Ber... Really miss you alot alot!!! But becareful in Bangkok ok? Have fun too!!!
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Screwed Wednesday
There was a ISO internal Audit by one of the FMSO, LTC(Retired) Leong. And basically, he was opening his mouth and making comments here & there... Oh well, he's already such an old man... Just let him yank... We just do according to what he wanted, and we'll be clear of troubles...
Before Lunch, I was in my #03-14 Store room, clearing the things out with some help from Eagle Company's recruits. Because Mr. Leong complaint theat the room was extremely messy and dirty. And he wanted the room to be cleared out immediately. Oh well, "YES SIR!" was the reply, and over the next few hours. We literally flipped the whole room inside-out and gave it a good scrub!
Never realised that there were so much rubbish inside the room... GOSH! Mr. Eric & Mr. Pandian made all the decisions on what were to be thrown away and what were to be kept. And my job? Make sure that the items are being disposed or kept properly.
Went for lunch around 12:30pm. Ate together with Mr. Pandian, Desmond and Marcus. Then, I received a phone call from a number I dunno from where. Anyway, I picked it up...
"Hello, Is this Jonny?" a sweet lady voice came from the other end.
"Yeah...I'm Jonny.. Who's this on the line?"
"Oh! I'm calling from i-Model pte Ltd. We're currently looking for fresh faces and we have short-listed you. So, I'll like to ask you whether you're free to come down for an Interview anytime this week?"
"Ermmm...But I'm serving NS now...Wou..."
"It's ok actually... Because you can come down over the weekends for the Interview. And it wouldn't disturb your NS at all..."
"OH! Okie... So, when can I go down for this interview???"
"Would Saturday be okie?"
"Yeah! Saturday would be good... It'll be between 11:30am to 5pm."
"Ahh... ok! Then, I think I'll make an appointment between 12pm to 1pm. WOuld that be ok?"
"SURE! ha! Oh yeah! And, bring along a self-portrait photo, plus the black namecard you gotten..."
"ok ok... A photo plus the black namecard... Ermmm..where's the location?"
"It's at Park Mall, Level 10. You'll see a shop by the name "i-Model"..."
"Ok! THanks!!!"
HA!!! would you believe it??? There're actually people short-listing me to be models.. hahaah!!!! I guess they must be blinded or something lolZ...
Anyway, after that, I spent the rest of the afternoon, helping out to clear #03-14. Then, preform the handing-Taking over with Sch 2 AO...
Gosh! I was so tired...
Chatted with Ber Ber, till 7pm and almost forgotten all about dinner hahaha!!! Knew from Ber Ber, that my sister was going out with Sally and maybe Wei Xiong.. But Ber Ber wouldn't be joining them, cuz she need to work at the Video Rental shop.. Poor Baby! Always working so hard, really worried about her health...
Went to bed at around 9:30pm.. Really very tired...
Before Lunch, I was in my #03-14 Store room, clearing the things out with some help from Eagle Company's recruits. Because Mr. Leong complaint theat the room was extremely messy and dirty. And he wanted the room to be cleared out immediately. Oh well, "YES SIR!" was the reply, and over the next few hours. We literally flipped the whole room inside-out and gave it a good scrub!
Never realised that there were so much rubbish inside the room... GOSH! Mr. Eric & Mr. Pandian made all the decisions on what were to be thrown away and what were to be kept. And my job? Make sure that the items are being disposed or kept properly.
Went for lunch around 12:30pm. Ate together with Mr. Pandian, Desmond and Marcus. Then, I received a phone call from a number I dunno from where. Anyway, I picked it up...
"Hello, Is this Jonny?" a sweet lady voice came from the other end.
"Yeah...I'm Jonny.. Who's this on the line?"
"Oh! I'm calling from i-Model pte Ltd. We're currently looking for fresh faces and we have short-listed you. So, I'll like to ask you whether you're free to come down for an Interview anytime this week?"
"Ermmm...But I'm serving NS now...Wou..."
"It's ok actually... Because you can come down over the weekends for the Interview. And it wouldn't disturb your NS at all..."
"OH! Okie... So, when can I go down for this interview???"
"Would Saturday be okie?"
"Yeah! Saturday would be good... It'll be between 11:30am to 5pm."
"Ahh... ok! Then, I think I'll make an appointment between 12pm to 1pm. WOuld that be ok?"
"SURE! ha! Oh yeah! And, bring along a self-portrait photo, plus the black namecard you gotten..."
"ok ok... A photo plus the black namecard... Ermmm..where's the location?"
"It's at Park Mall, Level 10. You'll see a shop by the name "i-Model"..."
"Ok! THanks!!!"
HA!!! would you believe it??? There're actually people short-listing me to be models.. hahaah!!!! I guess they must be blinded or something lolZ...
Anyway, after that, I spent the rest of the afternoon, helping out to clear #03-14. Then, preform the handing-Taking over with Sch 2 AO...
Gosh! I was so tired...
Chatted with Ber Ber, till 7pm and almost forgotten all about dinner hahaha!!! Knew from Ber Ber, that my sister was going out with Sally and maybe Wei Xiong.. But Ber Ber wouldn't be joining them, cuz she need to work at the Video Rental shop.. Poor Baby! Always working so hard, really worried about her health...
Went to bed at around 9:30pm.. Really very tired...
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Beautiful Monday
Woke up very late Monday hahaah!! Sigh...The Haze was still so thick... Went and cooked some noodle for myself. Logged into PC to watch some online Videos on Then, chatted with Ber Ber and some of my other friends on MSN eehehe...
Gonna meet Ber Ber at night after she finished work, together with her best friend, Sally. haahah!! I'm so looking forward to it... I asked my sister to come along as well. Cuz she wanted to see Ber Ber as well lolZ...
We agreed to meet up at Aljunied MRT Station at 6:45pm, but because my sister worn a pair of very ugly shoe, I had no chance but to drag her to get a new pair of heels. But lucky, Ber Ber wasn't at one bit angry about us being late heheeh... Heng...


Took some photos while waitin for the Train
After which, we went to this HongKong-Style Cafe/Restaurant at Marina Square. I heard from Ber Ber & Sally that this Cafe would be very packed on Weekends, and would have no place to sit at all. So I guessed we were quite lucky that the Cafe was quite empty when we went there for Dinner heeheh... We chose a round-table at the back of the Cafe. Because, the cafe was quite empty, thus I found it very enjoyable. It was like we were the only ones in the Cafe haahah!!!
Half-way in the Cafe, my Sister's Friend, Wei Xiong, joined us. Sally & Ber Ber said that he looked like Anson Hu yan Bing hahah! And you know what? Sally was totally absorbed by him ahhah!!!! Cuz she kept looking at him lolZ... But too bad, heard from my sister that he's attached lolZ... Oh well... heheeh... I was actually quite afraid that all of us won't gel together quite well, but it turned out to be the exact opposite hahaah! All of a sudden, everyone seemed to be like old time friends hahah!!!

A really big bowl of Ice Kacang!

Me & Ber Ber v^.^
After a splendid dinner at the Cafe, we slowly strolled to Esplanade. Cuz Ber Ber & Sally said that the Scenery there was really beautiful. I'm so looking forward to see the view...
The view at the Rooftop was simply breath-taking haha!!! We started to take photos the moment we reached there hahaah! I guessed the only time I take alot of photos are with people who love taking lolZ!!! Else, I'm really camera-shy... We took so many photos that, at one point of time, our eyes were seeing alot of "Stars" ahhah! even though the Haze totally blocked out the stars...
Then, some a while, me and Ber Ber secretly drifted away to one corner... Guess I don't have to elaborate much right?? =P


Such a nice view... hehehe

My Sister and Ber Ber

Sally and My Sister

Wei Xiong, Sally, Ber Ber & My Sister

Wei Xiong, Sally, Me
After which, we exited from Esplanade and slowly made our way to Boat Quay. The night was really lovely. Friendship & Romance filled the air. hahah!!

A photo taken by me yet again! At the bridge infront of The Fullerton.
Sigh... Though it was a magical evening, yet all gatherings can't escape the fate of going our separate ways... Because all of us had to work tomorrow, and we can't go back too late... So Ber Ber companied Sally back, while Wei Xiong, Me and my sister we took the train back...
Gonna meet Ber Ber at night after she finished work, together with her best friend, Sally. haahah!! I'm so looking forward to it... I asked my sister to come along as well. Cuz she wanted to see Ber Ber as well lolZ...
We agreed to meet up at Aljunied MRT Station at 6:45pm, but because my sister worn a pair of very ugly shoe, I had no chance but to drag her to get a new pair of heels. But lucky, Ber Ber wasn't at one bit angry about us being late heheeh... Heng...
Took some photos while waitin for the Train
After which, we went to this HongKong-Style Cafe/Restaurant at Marina Square. I heard from Ber Ber & Sally that this Cafe would be very packed on Weekends, and would have no place to sit at all. So I guessed we were quite lucky that the Cafe was quite empty when we went there for Dinner heeheh... We chose a round-table at the back of the Cafe. Because, the cafe was quite empty, thus I found it very enjoyable. It was like we were the only ones in the Cafe haahah!!!
Half-way in the Cafe, my Sister's Friend, Wei Xiong, joined us. Sally & Ber Ber said that he looked like Anson Hu yan Bing hahah! And you know what? Sally was totally absorbed by him ahhah!!!! Cuz she kept looking at him lolZ... But too bad, heard from my sister that he's attached lolZ... Oh well... heheeh... I was actually quite afraid that all of us won't gel together quite well, but it turned out to be the exact opposite hahaah! All of a sudden, everyone seemed to be like old time friends hahah!!!
A really big bowl of Ice Kacang!
Me & Ber Ber v^.^
After a splendid dinner at the Cafe, we slowly strolled to Esplanade. Cuz Ber Ber & Sally said that the Scenery there was really beautiful. I'm so looking forward to see the view...
The view at the Rooftop was simply breath-taking haha!!! We started to take photos the moment we reached there hahaah! I guessed the only time I take alot of photos are with people who love taking lolZ!!! Else, I'm really camera-shy... We took so many photos that, at one point of time, our eyes were seeing alot of "Stars" ahhah! even though the Haze totally blocked out the stars...
Then, some a while, me and Ber Ber secretly drifted away to one corner... Guess I don't have to elaborate much right?? =P
Such a nice view... hehehe
My Sister and Ber Ber
Sally and My Sister
Wei Xiong, Sally, Ber Ber & My Sister
Wei Xiong, Sally, Me
After which, we exited from Esplanade and slowly made our way to Boat Quay. The night was really lovely. Friendship & Romance filled the air. hahah!!
A photo taken by me yet again! At the bridge infront of The Fullerton.
Sigh... Though it was a magical evening, yet all gatherings can't escape the fate of going our separate ways... Because all of us had to work tomorrow, and we can't go back too late... So Ber Ber companied Sally back, while Wei Xiong, Me and my sister we took the train back...
Monday, October 16, 2006
Hazy Sunday
Woke up at around 9 plus today. The sky was still, as usual, Hazy... Sigh! When is the sky gonna rain and chase all these haze away... After that, I went to freshen up myself then update my blog.
It's been a long time since I've inserted any photos into my blog, and I felt that it's due time to add some colours to it HAAH!!!
After that, I helped to prepare the ingredients for Steamboat, then i went to bathe... Little did I realised that later I have Bai bai at home at around 1 pm... ARH!! I haven bathe nor eat...sigh...nvm most I eat finish first den go bathe lorZ...
I was so so so so tired... Dunno why...Seems like I've been deprived of sleep due to that Asshole! ARH!!! I wanna bite him so much! To release my anger! Anyway, I fell asleep in my mum's room. It was so Shiok! Never had such a rest for a long long time already.
Went to take a bathe, again. HA! Den went down to Ber Ber's place and pass her some home-made mooncakes. Miss her so much...Hee... Went back home around 6pm, re-heated the Steamboat, den put a packet of Udon noodles and started eating. Chatted online with Xin, Ricky and my primary school friends on MSN...
Sigh,....that ricky ahZ... really dunno how to say him. Told him time and time again that he must not talk so much, till it frightens a girl off... Still, he can't seem to control himself... Sigh... Never mind lahZ... I guess there must be girl who will be able to listen to him talk & talk & talk heee!!! Jia You Wor! I'll still continue to keep a lookout for you one... HA!
Sharon asked me a very goo question today in MSN:
"Jonny... You and Yue Hui how liaoZ?"
"What how?"
"You both still friends or not?"
"Yeah! of cuz... even if she doesn't regard me as a friend anymore, I'll forever regard her as a friend. I once told her that I'll still be around whenever she needs someone to be there for her, even if we ain't friends anymore... Though I'm not sure whether she still sees me as a friend or not..."
"ic ic..."
Whenever I go out... I wanna ask her along
When I feel like go clubbing... I wanna ask her along
When I feel like going KTV... I wanna ask her along
But I afraid.. Dunno how to ask her... Scared that she's still angry... Or is she not??
Went to prepare my bag, cuz later need to book in to finish my report... Then Ber Ber msged me
"Dear!!! I accidentally hurt my finger when I closed the closet drawer... Very pain..."
I dashed out of the house almost immediately, grabbed my shoes, my bag and all my other belongings and dashed to her workplace, to make sure that she's alright...
hahah!!! Wat a fright I got... It was only a small part of her finger being hurt... But It was enough to make me worry till like dunno what liaoZX haahah!!! Ber ber.. Next time must be mroe careful ok? Especially when you go on the Thailand trip this weekend.. I won't be there to take care of you at all... I'm so worried for you... Sigh...
Alright... Now, I'm in camp... Have to go sleep liaoZ...nite nite
It's been a long time since I've inserted any photos into my blog, and I felt that it's due time to add some colours to it HAAH!!!
After that, I helped to prepare the ingredients for Steamboat, then i went to bathe... Little did I realised that later I have Bai bai at home at around 1 pm... ARH!! I haven bathe nor eat...sigh...nvm most I eat finish first den go bathe lorZ...
I was so so so so tired... Dunno why...Seems like I've been deprived of sleep due to that Asshole! ARH!!! I wanna bite him so much! To release my anger! Anyway, I fell asleep in my mum's room. It was so Shiok! Never had such a rest for a long long time already.
Went to take a bathe, again. HA! Den went down to Ber Ber's place and pass her some home-made mooncakes. Miss her so much...Hee... Went back home around 6pm, re-heated the Steamboat, den put a packet of Udon noodles and started eating. Chatted online with Xin, Ricky and my primary school friends on MSN...
Sigh,....that ricky ahZ... really dunno how to say him. Told him time and time again that he must not talk so much, till it frightens a girl off... Still, he can't seem to control himself... Sigh... Never mind lahZ... I guess there must be girl who will be able to listen to him talk & talk & talk heee!!! Jia You Wor! I'll still continue to keep a lookout for you one... HA!
Sharon asked me a very goo question today in MSN:
"Jonny... You and Yue Hui how liaoZ?"
"What how?"
"You both still friends or not?"
"Yeah! of cuz... even if she doesn't regard me as a friend anymore, I'll forever regard her as a friend. I once told her that I'll still be around whenever she needs someone to be there for her, even if we ain't friends anymore... Though I'm not sure whether she still sees me as a friend or not..."
"ic ic..."
Whenever I go out... I wanna ask her along
When I feel like go clubbing... I wanna ask her along
When I feel like going KTV... I wanna ask her along
But I afraid.. Dunno how to ask her... Scared that she's still angry... Or is she not??
Went to prepare my bag, cuz later need to book in to finish my report... Then Ber Ber msged me
"Dear!!! I accidentally hurt my finger when I closed the closet drawer... Very pain..."
I dashed out of the house almost immediately, grabbed my shoes, my bag and all my other belongings and dashed to her workplace, to make sure that she's alright...
hahah!!! Wat a fright I got... It was only a small part of her finger being hurt... But It was enough to make me worry till like dunno what liaoZX haahah!!! Ber ber.. Next time must be mroe careful ok? Especially when you go on the Thailand trip this weekend.. I won't be there to take care of you at all... I'm so worried for you... Sigh...
Alright... Now, I'm in camp... Have to go sleep liaoZ...nite nite
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Lovely Saturday
Met a friend around 2pm. Went to this sushi bar to have lunch, cost around $30 I think.. Not very sure hahaha!!! Cuz I used Masters to pay for it anyway... I guessed I don't really wanna go into the Details... Better go into my Sister's Blog for the full details of it... hahaah!!
Met up with my sister and "settled" some issues, after which we went back to Bugis to do some shopping. Outside the water fountain at Seiyu, there was this CLEO Barbie Doll competition, and we took these photos! They were really very beautiful, you won't believed that they were being made up by local artists... COOL!

Really cool 70's layout of house

This one's my Fav! Exactly how I wanted my room to look like!



After we took some photos, we went to Bugis Village to shop around. The weather was really really hot! So, I bought some fruit Freezes for both of us... hahaah!! Chill man! The place was jammed packed with youngsters, and of cause, a great place for both of us to look at Cute guys & girls haha!!! But it was more of an advantage to me lolZ! Cause there were more cute & pretty girls to look at whahaah!!! Sorry girl... =p
Then, Ang, my sister's friend, came to join us half way. We decided to explore the small lanes opposite MOS Burger and we found this dessert shop, called "Ji De Chi" or "Remember to Eat", that sells absolutely delicious dessert!
We ordered some of the best dishes in the shop. "Black & White", "Peppermint Gui Ling Gou", "Mango with Steamed Egg", "Peanut Paste", "Ginger milk", "Hazma"

The peppermint Gui Ling Gou was really very smooth and delicious!!

"Black & White": Combination of Sesame & Almond paste. A wicked Combination!

"Hazma": In chinese known as "Xue Ha", finest extracts from toads. EEK!

"Mango with Steamed Egg": YUMMY!!!

"Peanut Paste": Smooth and nice to eat haaha!!!


After we walked out from the stall, we walked around Bugis Seiyu abit before we headed for the MRT. The whole day I was calling Ber, but her HP doesn't seem to go thru, then finally she called! OMG!!! When I heard her voice I almost wanna give her a big hug hahaah!!! That's only if she was right infront of me hahaah!!! I missed her so so so so so MUCH!!! Chatted with her from Bugis till Tampines station, and met up with her at Tampines, DBS building.
Feeling bored on the Train we took some photos... hheeee!

Ang & Sis

3 of us ;)

Both me & Ang were very tall, we're about 1.85 M i think... So I joked that we can go be models hahaa!!!

Taken on the bus back home...
Met up with my sister and "settled" some issues, after which we went back to Bugis to do some shopping. Outside the water fountain at Seiyu, there was this CLEO Barbie Doll competition, and we took these photos! They were really very beautiful, you won't believed that they were being made up by local artists... COOL!
Really cool 70's layout of house
This one's my Fav! Exactly how I wanted my room to look like!
After we took some photos, we went to Bugis Village to shop around. The weather was really really hot! So, I bought some fruit Freezes for both of us... hahaah!! Chill man! The place was jammed packed with youngsters, and of cause, a great place for both of us to look at Cute guys & girls haha!!! But it was more of an advantage to me lolZ! Cause there were more cute & pretty girls to look at whahaah!!! Sorry girl... =p
Then, Ang, my sister's friend, came to join us half way. We decided to explore the small lanes opposite MOS Burger and we found this dessert shop, called "Ji De Chi" or "Remember to Eat", that sells absolutely delicious dessert!
We ordered some of the best dishes in the shop. "Black & White", "Peppermint Gui Ling Gou", "Mango with Steamed Egg", "Peanut Paste", "Ginger milk", "Hazma"
The peppermint Gui Ling Gou was really very smooth and delicious!!
"Black & White": Combination of Sesame & Almond paste. A wicked Combination!
"Hazma": In chinese known as "Xue Ha", finest extracts from toads. EEK!
"Mango with Steamed Egg": YUMMY!!!
"Peanut Paste": Smooth and nice to eat haaha!!!
After we walked out from the stall, we walked around Bugis Seiyu abit before we headed for the MRT. The whole day I was calling Ber, but her HP doesn't seem to go thru, then finally she called! OMG!!! When I heard her voice I almost wanna give her a big hug hahaah!!! That's only if she was right infront of me hahaah!!! I missed her so so so so so MUCH!!! Chatted with her from Bugis till Tampines station, and met up with her at Tampines, DBS building.
Feeling bored on the Train we took some photos... hheeee!
Ang & Sis
3 of us ;)
Both me & Ang were very tall, we're about 1.85 M i think... So I joked that we can go be models hahaa!!!
Taken on the bus back home...
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Screwed-up Friday
Oh my gosh! I didn't realised that it was Friday the 13th. Hopefully, this day won't be ruined by Mr Gary....
Today I ran 15 rounds round the Stadium, really damn song lorZ... So long never run liaoZ... Suddenly run so many tounds, it was really a release for me... hahaha!!!
Went back to my bunk and quickly bathe, and quickly went to settle Mr. Gary's report. After which, quickly went to lunch... GOSH!! Had a really quick lunch... Cuz that freaking mr gary cant wait at all....
after lunch, I went around trying to settle things... Get pricelist for Mr. Ananh...And then I received a wonderful news... He's leaving the Island at 2pm... EVERYONE GET READY TO PARTY!!! HAHAHA!!! wOoOOOOOO!!! haahh!!!
Still, even thou he left the island... I still got alot of things to check... Stores, CELs, Internal Store check reports... Sigh.... almost an endless list of things to settle...
But one thing was okie... Mr Gary aproved my Monday Leave haahah!!! YEAH!!
So, I went around to check on Ninja ANd pegasus's store... Ah.... 4:15pm... Just nice...
THen, a call came in...
"Jonny... Need your help..." from DY LSA.
"Okok..coming back soon..."
A shock came... Mr. Gary last minute wanted a change in the Financial budget report. He want's the Dollars & Cents part back...ARH!!!! i so wanna kill him!!! Why he want it back at this very last minute? WHen everyone were in a merry mood to book out?? He's such an asshole-bastard!!! ARH!!!!
My plan to book out early as possible, so that I can reach home and change into nicer looking clothing before I go and meet Joyce and Valere was totally ruined!!!! ARH!!!
but nevermind...I'm planning to book in on Sunday to settle everything... Thanks ah! Asss hole!!! bECAUSE OF YOU!!! EVERYONE'S WORKING OT OVER THE WEEKENDS. AND YOU DON'T EVEN SHOW THE SLIGHTEST APPRECIATION!!!!
managed to catch the 6pm fastcraft out of that god dammit island... It seems like the Boat Driver, the bus driver and the MRT driver somehow or eather knew that i was in a rush to get to Bugis.. Thus, I reached all the 3 placew in record timing... hahah!!!
I tell you...this is the very first time that I wear till so ugly to Bugis area can???!!! OMG!!! It was like everyone worn till very nice can??? arh!!! I felt like finding a hole and bury myself inside...
Anyway, the dinner with Joyce & Valere was really wonderful... We talked about old times and how each other has been doing ever since we graduated... SO nice to know that all of them were doingf well aahah!!
You know what??? I finally meet up with Ber ber liaoZ haahah!!! SO HAPPY!!! I guessed she was kinda shy, since it was the first time we met...
Anyway, after our dinner, I went to look for Ber Ber... She was with her friend, Sally, outside MOS Burger smoking... Ber Ber told me that her friend Sally is looking for a BF, so I introduced my friend, Ricky to her hahaah!!! Trying to let people know people loLZ :p
THen, we walked to MRT station... OMG! The train was totally cramped with people... But I used my body to shield Ber Ber from the crowd so that she won't be squeezed...
Had a great time with her... Even though it was only so short... She walked me to the Bus Interchange, but Bus 291 came so fast lor.... why can't it arrive a bit later? So that I can have more time with her.... Idiot... hahaah!!!
Never mind lahZ...still got Saturday and Sunday haahah!!!
OK lahZ...I go sleep liaoZ... to tired...Tomorrow still gotta meet up with more friends... looZ nite nite!
Today I ran 15 rounds round the Stadium, really damn song lorZ... So long never run liaoZ... Suddenly run so many tounds, it was really a release for me... hahaha!!!
Went back to my bunk and quickly bathe, and quickly went to settle Mr. Gary's report. After which, quickly went to lunch... GOSH!! Had a really quick lunch... Cuz that freaking mr gary cant wait at all....
after lunch, I went around trying to settle things... Get pricelist for Mr. Ananh...And then I received a wonderful news... He's leaving the Island at 2pm... EVERYONE GET READY TO PARTY!!! HAHAHA!!! wOoOOOOOO!!! haahh!!!
Still, even thou he left the island... I still got alot of things to check... Stores, CELs, Internal Store check reports... Sigh.... almost an endless list of things to settle...
But one thing was okie... Mr Gary aproved my Monday Leave haahah!!! YEAH!!
So, I went around to check on Ninja ANd pegasus's store... Ah.... 4:15pm... Just nice...
THen, a call came in...
"Jonny... Need your help..." from DY LSA.
"Okok..coming back soon..."
A shock came... Mr. Gary last minute wanted a change in the Financial budget report. He want's the Dollars & Cents part back...ARH!!!! i so wanna kill him!!! Why he want it back at this very last minute? WHen everyone were in a merry mood to book out?? He's such an asshole-bastard!!! ARH!!!!
My plan to book out early as possible, so that I can reach home and change into nicer looking clothing before I go and meet Joyce and Valere was totally ruined!!!! ARH!!!
but nevermind...I'm planning to book in on Sunday to settle everything... Thanks ah! Asss hole!!! bECAUSE OF YOU!!! EVERYONE'S WORKING OT OVER THE WEEKENDS. AND YOU DON'T EVEN SHOW THE SLIGHTEST APPRECIATION!!!!
managed to catch the 6pm fastcraft out of that god dammit island... It seems like the Boat Driver, the bus driver and the MRT driver somehow or eather knew that i was in a rush to get to Bugis.. Thus, I reached all the 3 placew in record timing... hahah!!!
I tell you...this is the very first time that I wear till so ugly to Bugis area can???!!! OMG!!! It was like everyone worn till very nice can??? arh!!! I felt like finding a hole and bury myself inside...
Anyway, the dinner with Joyce & Valere was really wonderful... We talked about old times and how each other has been doing ever since we graduated... SO nice to know that all of them were doingf well aahah!!
You know what??? I finally meet up with Ber ber liaoZ haahah!!! SO HAPPY!!! I guessed she was kinda shy, since it was the first time we met...
Anyway, after our dinner, I went to look for Ber Ber... She was with her friend, Sally, outside MOS Burger smoking... Ber Ber told me that her friend Sally is looking for a BF, so I introduced my friend, Ricky to her hahaah!!! Trying to let people know people loLZ :p
THen, we walked to MRT station... OMG! The train was totally cramped with people... But I used my body to shield Ber Ber from the crowd so that she won't be squeezed...
Had a great time with her... Even though it was only so short... She walked me to the Bus Interchange, but Bus 291 came so fast lor.... why can't it arrive a bit later? So that I can have more time with her.... Idiot... hahaah!!!
Never mind lahZ...still got Saturday and Sunday haahah!!!
OK lahZ...I go sleep liaoZ... to tired...Tomorrow still gotta meet up with more friends... looZ nite nite!
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Lousy Thursday
Last night, while waiting for Ber to reply me, I totally fell asleep... I couldn't believed myself that I was that tired!!! GOSH! I was awaken until Ber gave me a call, it was only den that I realised that I feel asleep with my facial Mask on... AHHhhhhh!!! Thus, I quickly threw the facial mask away...
Was unable to sleep after I hung up with Ber, thus I went down to Old LOG BR to do some net surfing and also check out some of the Yahoo! Groups... Was quite surprised to see my sister and Ber, still online at that time (It was about 12:30am, when I logged on...) Chatted with my sister and even showed her Hazel's account, cause she just uploaded some photos which she has taken recently...
I missed Ber so so so much... Sigh... She's flying off to Thailand together with her parents next Saturday, 21 OCT, and coming back on the eve of Hari Raya Puasa. I am so gonna miss her... Ber, enjoy yourself okie?? I'll be here in Singapore waiting for you to return...
Sigh, wonder how I'm gonna spend the weekend without her... Oh well, I guess just stay at home and watch some online videos hhaah!!!
TODAY WAS SO LOUSY LOR! arh!!! so much things to do, with so little time... Collect & update CELs, handle CSMs, make sure all uniforms were sent for sewing, stock take, get the old PCs to be ready for condemnation... And worst of all, the compilation of the barrack damages for the whole of school 2....
While un-screwing all the screws from the CPUs to take out any remaining card-readers and HDDs, I accidentally cut myself with the screwdriver... Sigh...those stupid people turned the screws in So damn fucking tight, that alot of times I had real big problem trying to take them out... ARH!!1 those idiots...Work without using brains...
Anyway... Tomorrow is weekends! Friday night meet up with Joye and Valere for Dinner. SOooo long never meet them liaoZ... GOnna have lots of laughters with them... AHHhh.... Just hope that idiotic Mr Gary don't screw up my day...
Was unable to sleep after I hung up with Ber, thus I went down to Old LOG BR to do some net surfing and also check out some of the Yahoo! Groups... Was quite surprised to see my sister and Ber, still online at that time (It was about 12:30am, when I logged on...) Chatted with my sister and even showed her Hazel's account, cause she just uploaded some photos which she has taken recently...
I missed Ber so so so much... Sigh... She's flying off to Thailand together with her parents next Saturday, 21 OCT, and coming back on the eve of Hari Raya Puasa. I am so gonna miss her... Ber, enjoy yourself okie?? I'll be here in Singapore waiting for you to return...
Sigh, wonder how I'm gonna spend the weekend without her... Oh well, I guess just stay at home and watch some online videos hhaah!!!
TODAY WAS SO LOUSY LOR! arh!!! so much things to do, with so little time... Collect & update CELs, handle CSMs, make sure all uniforms were sent for sewing, stock take, get the old PCs to be ready for condemnation... And worst of all, the compilation of the barrack damages for the whole of school 2....
While un-screwing all the screws from the CPUs to take out any remaining card-readers and HDDs, I accidentally cut myself with the screwdriver... Sigh...those stupid people turned the screws in So damn fucking tight, that alot of times I had real big problem trying to take them out... ARH!!1 those idiots...Work without using brains...
Anyway... Tomorrow is weekends! Friday night meet up with Joye and Valere for Dinner. SOooo long never meet them liaoZ... GOnna have lots of laughters with them... AHHhh.... Just hope that idiotic Mr Gary don't screw up my day...
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
new hair cut
Today, the haze was even worse than yesterday. I totally don't even wanna be outdoor for even one minute lorZ!!! Cause it's like a Big Oven outdoor lorZ... But, still because of my Boss, I Bo bian have to be outside lorZ... Some more, I have to go through 11 companies, and storm every single level to check for barrack damages.
Around 11:30am, I was chatting with Hazel, and she told me that she was broke, with only $10 in her bank, so I decided to take the 12pm boat out and transfer some money to her. hahaa!! And also, withdraw some money also lolZ... Had my lunch at Subway, kaoZ! you know what, after eating a footlong meal, I was still HUNGRY!!! OH MY GOD!! I wonder if i was a hungry ghost in my past life?? hhaah!!! Anyway, on the way back, I bought some kueys for the people in LSA to eat and also some herbal teas...cuz the weather was really really bad....
Went for the 1:30pm boat in... and on the way, met my Secondary School Friend, Wei Long, who's now 2LT liaoZ hahaah!! In camp must salute him...lolZ...but ok lahZ...all officers won't be so harsh on 3SGs one lahZ...cuz they also know we're all doing the same shit job hahh!!!
Back to my work again....
it's so hot lor!!! Imagine the heat from the Sun, plus the heat from the ground, then plus the thick layer of Haze that trapped the heat in, preventing it from escaping. 3-in-1 combo! Super duper hot! I was perspiring the moment I stepped out from the Office...
But luckily, I did checks on a few companies, so this time round the check was done pretty quick. SO, it was still okie... Immediately when I finished my work, I dashed back to LSA to enjoy air con. But it doesn't seem to take away the heat from me at all... I was still sweating like a mad pig in LSA office...
After which, I asked around if there was still any matters that Mr. Eric would wanna address.. And they said no. So, I quickly rushed back to my bunk to get change and rush for the 5:30pm boat
Quickly "flew" back home, had my dinner, and went down for hair cut.. hahah!!! Had a new haircut... Gonna go back to sporting a jap hairstyle liaoz...
ok...that's all for tonight...need to turn in liaoZ...if not later can't wake up at 5:15am... EEK!
Around 11:30am, I was chatting with Hazel, and she told me that she was broke, with only $10 in her bank, so I decided to take the 12pm boat out and transfer some money to her. hahaa!! And also, withdraw some money also lolZ... Had my lunch at Subway, kaoZ! you know what, after eating a footlong meal, I was still HUNGRY!!! OH MY GOD!! I wonder if i was a hungry ghost in my past life?? hhaah!!! Anyway, on the way back, I bought some kueys for the people in LSA to eat and also some herbal teas...cuz the weather was really really bad....
Went for the 1:30pm boat in... and on the way, met my Secondary School Friend, Wei Long, who's now 2LT liaoZ hahaah!! In camp must salute him...lolZ...but ok lahZ...all officers won't be so harsh on 3SGs one lahZ...cuz they also know we're all doing the same shit job hahh!!!
Back to my work again....
it's so hot lor!!! Imagine the heat from the Sun, plus the heat from the ground, then plus the thick layer of Haze that trapped the heat in, preventing it from escaping. 3-in-1 combo! Super duper hot! I was perspiring the moment I stepped out from the Office...
But luckily, I did checks on a few companies, so this time round the check was done pretty quick. SO, it was still okie... Immediately when I finished my work, I dashed back to LSA to enjoy air con. But it doesn't seem to take away the heat from me at all... I was still sweating like a mad pig in LSA office...
After which, I asked around if there was still any matters that Mr. Eric would wanna address.. And they said no. So, I quickly rushed back to my bunk to get change and rush for the 5:30pm boat
Quickly "flew" back home, had my dinner, and went down for hair cut.. hahah!!! Had a new haircut... Gonna go back to sporting a jap hairstyle liaoz...
ok...that's all for tonight...need to turn in liaoZ...if not later can't wake up at 5:15am... EEK!
Lousy Monday
The haze was back again, after taking a day off... Sigh! Why can't the Haze just go off to the Pacific Ocean and stay there for good? It's practically making everyday a living hell for everyone. Heat doesn't seem to go away due to the Haze, and the sky doesn't seem to wanna rain at all. Sigh sigh sigh...
Was so busy yesterday that I was making tons of calls to get these done, get that done. Most troublesome was actually trying to settle store problems. All the individual company always do not look after their stores and do the proper documentation for dispersion of items. That's why later on, the companies will have alot of accounting problems for their stores when LRI check are being conducted...
Was chatting with a friend...haha!!! Decided to meet up for the very first time this Saturday. And also, buy her anything as her birthday gift as long as it's not more than $60. And also, we agreed to go to Taiwan next year April. I'll provide the lodging and air ticket, while she foot her own shopping. Gotta start saving more for the trip... I wanna buy alot alot alot of things from this trip hahaah!!! I decided to go there for 7 days. Take a flight to Taiwan on Saturday around 2pm, which means we'll reach taiwan around 5pm, by the time we check in Hotel, should be around 7pm. Just nice for dinner hahaah!!!!
That would be pre-holiday activity. I won't reveal much about the activities hahaa!! Shhhh...It's a secret haahah! :p
Was so busy yesterday that I was making tons of calls to get these done, get that done. Most troublesome was actually trying to settle store problems. All the individual company always do not look after their stores and do the proper documentation for dispersion of items. That's why later on, the companies will have alot of accounting problems for their stores when LRI check are being conducted...
Was chatting with a friend...haha!!! Decided to meet up for the very first time this Saturday. And also, buy her anything as her birthday gift as long as it's not more than $60. And also, we agreed to go to Taiwan next year April. I'll provide the lodging and air ticket, while she foot her own shopping. Gotta start saving more for the trip... I wanna buy alot alot alot of things from this trip hahaah!!! I decided to go there for 7 days. Take a flight to Taiwan on Saturday around 2pm, which means we'll reach taiwan around 5pm, by the time we check in Hotel, should be around 7pm. Just nice for dinner hahaah!!!!
That would be pre-holiday activity. I won't reveal much about the activities hahaa!! Shhhh...It's a secret haahah! :p
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Day @ Pasir Ris
was awaken by my phone's vibration, and it's not my HP's alarm. Painfully peeled open my eyes and looked at my phone thru a small opening. Pei yi messaged a "Good morning" to me. How sweet of her haahah!!! Well, just nice I have to wake up as well, cuz I need to prepare and go down to Pasir Ris BLK 421 to help LDQSN to set up Mid-Autumn Festival.
Gave Erisher & Hazel a good morning message each. After which, went to take a bath and freshened up myself. Left my house around 10am. Plenty of time for me to make my way down to the location slowly hahaah!!!
Bus 21 was fast today. I waited at the bus stop for less than 1 min and it arrived. Thus, I arrived at that place around 1030am. hahaah!!! was the first to be there, thus I decided to sit around and wait for the rest of them to arrive.
Basically from 11am to 1:30pm, me & the rest of LDQSN were busily setting up the void deck for the event later. Alot of noise, alot of movements and of cause alot of fun haahah!!!
Was soOOOoo hungry by the time, all of us finished setting up the place. Gosh! Me, Yu Guang & Guan Yu, practically "rushed" over to the food corner to grab whatever food our fingers could lay on haahahah!!! (We sounded like we've been deprived of food for centuries right??!! haha!!)
After which, It was quite boring.... Cuz it's like there weren't much people.... Where's the crowd man???!!! There used to be alot alot alot more people at such events!!! Where have they gone to??? Sigh.... Only goes to show that things have changed.... And we might need to think of better programs for such events in order to bring the crowd back...
Gave a few friends a call, and chatted with them for a while. Before my sister arrived! YESH!!! MY SAVIOUR!!! haaha!!! around 6pm, we left the place... AhZ... walked by our primary school, Loyang Primary. And also the MaMa shop just beside our school. Sooo Much memories... SooOO Sweet... Now, we could only just recollect those fond days, and bitched about how bad we were, or how naughty we wer... hahaah!!!
Well, now, I'm at home, sitting in front of this PC, updating my blog. Later, (sigh!) I'll have to book in again.... Another 5 horrible days lay ahead of me... Hope I can pass these week without much hassle hahaah!!!
Gave Erisher & Hazel a good morning message each. After which, went to take a bath and freshened up myself. Left my house around 10am. Plenty of time for me to make my way down to the location slowly hahaah!!!
Bus 21 was fast today. I waited at the bus stop for less than 1 min and it arrived. Thus, I arrived at that place around 1030am. hahaah!!! was the first to be there, thus I decided to sit around and wait for the rest of them to arrive.
Basically from 11am to 1:30pm, me & the rest of LDQSN were busily setting up the void deck for the event later. Alot of noise, alot of movements and of cause alot of fun haahah!!!
Was soOOOoo hungry by the time, all of us finished setting up the place. Gosh! Me, Yu Guang & Guan Yu, practically "rushed" over to the food corner to grab whatever food our fingers could lay on haahahah!!! (We sounded like we've been deprived of food for centuries right??!! haha!!)
After which, It was quite boring.... Cuz it's like there weren't much people.... Where's the crowd man???!!! There used to be alot alot alot more people at such events!!! Where have they gone to??? Sigh.... Only goes to show that things have changed.... And we might need to think of better programs for such events in order to bring the crowd back...
Gave a few friends a call, and chatted with them for a while. Before my sister arrived! YESH!!! MY SAVIOUR!!! haaha!!! around 6pm, we left the place... AhZ... walked by our primary school, Loyang Primary. And also the MaMa shop just beside our school. Sooo Much memories... SooOO Sweet... Now, we could only just recollect those fond days, and bitched about how bad we were, or how naughty we wer... hahaah!!!
Well, now, I'm at home, sitting in front of this PC, updating my blog. Later, (sigh!) I'll have to book in again.... Another 5 horrible days lay ahead of me... Hope I can pass these week without much hassle hahaah!!!
Agony & Happiness
OMG!!! The haze today was like so terrible and so thick!!! The ash and burnt smell in the air, almost choked me to death. Woke up around 11am, and the first thing I know when I opened my eyes, was My sister was preparing to go out... lolZ
Actually, I planned to visit an orphanage home today, at Kallang. But cuz of the thick Haze, I chose to cancel it. And I gave a call instead to the orphanage Home's "director" and told her to send my regards to the kids... Sigh, I felt so upset not visiting them today... But because I don't wanna risk myself as well, cuz my chest area ain't very good these few days due to the increasingly dangerous haze, so I decided to stay at home till night time to go to the Mid-Autumn festival...
The mid-autumn festival was quite fun! haha!! played fake" firecrackers" & had paper lanterns hahaha!!! Brought back so so so much childhood memories hahaah!!! Had a go at the guessing game. Some of them were really hard, and some of the items I don't even know it existed.. haaah!! But it was great fun thou!
Gosh! Had a big quarrel with my dad, over a mere charger! ARH!!! After which, he extended the topic to me, always chatting on the phone for hours & hours & hours.... can't you guys just don't restrict me so much?? It's like, I'm already 21, I seriously need to have more socialization in my life!! I need to expand my social circle, go out and mix around with different type of people and learn to be more street wise & street smart. If not, in the future, I'll definitely be way behind other people.
The competition out THERE, is extremely intense. It reaches such an intensity that no one realises it, until you're in one... The intensity can actually kill someone... That's why in order to survive, in order to try to be in the "fore-runner" pack, I have to forever improve myself, else get killed by the intensity...
Thank alot Hazel. Thank you for listening to my grumbles when I was feeling extremely down after a quarrel. Really thank you. Love you girl.
Have to sleep now, else I don't think I'll be able to wake up at 9am tomorrow morning... hahaha!!!
Actually, I planned to visit an orphanage home today, at Kallang. But cuz of the thick Haze, I chose to cancel it. And I gave a call instead to the orphanage Home's "director" and told her to send my regards to the kids... Sigh, I felt so upset not visiting them today... But because I don't wanna risk myself as well, cuz my chest area ain't very good these few days due to the increasingly dangerous haze, so I decided to stay at home till night time to go to the Mid-Autumn festival...
The mid-autumn festival was quite fun! haha!! played fake" firecrackers" & had paper lanterns hahaha!!! Brought back so so so much childhood memories hahaah!!! Had a go at the guessing game. Some of them were really hard, and some of the items I don't even know it existed.. haaah!! But it was great fun thou!
Gosh! Had a big quarrel with my dad, over a mere charger! ARH!!! After which, he extended the topic to me, always chatting on the phone for hours & hours & hours.... can't you guys just don't restrict me so much?? It's like, I'm already 21, I seriously need to have more socialization in my life!! I need to expand my social circle, go out and mix around with different type of people and learn to be more street wise & street smart. If not, in the future, I'll definitely be way behind other people.
The competition out THERE, is extremely intense. It reaches such an intensity that no one realises it, until you're in one... The intensity can actually kill someone... That's why in order to survive, in order to try to be in the "fore-runner" pack, I have to forever improve myself, else get killed by the intensity...
Thank alot Hazel. Thank you for listening to my grumbles when I was feeling extremely down after a quarrel. Really thank you. Love you girl.
Have to sleep now, else I don't think I'll be able to wake up at 9am tomorrow morning... hahaha!!!
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Photo's from Taiwan Trip
Finally, I got to post up some photos I took together with my camp mates while we were on a trip to Taiwan a few months back... Sorry that It came a little late, still it's better later den never right?? hahaha!!!
This was a photo taken in our camp in Taiwan, I guess this was the only one that isn't X-Rated hahaah!! The rest, I guess could only be kept in my PC for personal "enjoyment" haha! :p

Day 1 at Taipei
We went to this Themepark in Taipei, forgot the name of it already haha! Was quite unluckily, as it was raining the whole morning, but when we reached this place, it turned into a tiny drizzle hahaa!!!

This was taken at the night market a few streets away from our Hotel. I tell you! There were lots of food varieties offered there haahaha! All so mouth-watering lolZ... Too bad we don't all the time to finish them all... Sigh... Next time I guess...

Day 2 in Taipei
We went to this Small World Amusement Park, the whole park had reduced-size building of all the famous buildings and Monuments. This was taken when we were on the "cho-cho" train in the theme park, going to the other side of the park haaha!!! I looked quite sleepy right? Cuz the first night, we went back to hotel very late, around 1am hahaa!!!

At night, we went to Taipei 101 building, though we were not allowed to go up. But we still took the risk to go up hahaah!!! Because photography wasn't allowed up there... Sigh what a waste! The view at Floor 98 was just simply breath-taking X100 times!!! We had a complete 360 view of the whole Taipei City!!!
After which, we headed down to Shi Ling Market for shopping. It was really, really packed with people, even though it was a thrusday. Went into this shop called "Diamond", and gotta know this very cute shop assistance, called Xiao Xuan. We took photos and exchanged MSN add that very night... CHEERS!

Taken in the middle of the Shi Ling Night Market Main Shopping Lane. Packed with people, and packed with Shops so that we could shop till we drop haha!!!

Day 3 at Taipei
We went to the most Northern point of Taiwan. It was a small seafood town, well, meant for tourism actually hahah!!! Everywhere we went there're shops selling seafood, and alot of sea creatures which we had never seen before.
We took this on the edge of a cliff! The wind & waves were very strong! Almost blew us away haaha!!!

At night, I went back to Shi Ling again to look for the cute girl, Xiao Xuan. Had her to take me around to shop, eat and have fun haha!! I realised that Singapore Girls & Taiwanese girls have such a big difference... I guess I might talk about that in my next blog....
Dunno why I took this picture... Maybe cuz of all the big posters being placed together.. HAHA!!

Went back to Hotel around 3:30am, after sending Xiao Xuan back to her house, which was about 3 KM from Taipei City.
Day 4 at Taipei
Woke up around 8am, and went out with Victor to have breakfast. We walked around the shops around our Hotel to see what breakfast we could have hahaah!!! In the end, we went to this eatery that had alot of special dishes we never seen before. hahaah!!! Too bad we didn't bring our camera... WHY!!!
After which, we went back got changed and off we went to Xi men Ting. As it was a Saturday afternoon, it was really really packed with youngsters. And at that place, you'll get to see how the youngesters dress... Definitely 100times better than in Singapore...
Around 7pm, we rushed back to Hotel to fly back to Singapore...
Really didn't wanna wave goodbye to Taipei. But I promise! I'll be back!!!! hahah!!!
This was a photo taken in our camp in Taiwan, I guess this was the only one that isn't X-Rated hahaah!! The rest, I guess could only be kept in my PC for personal "enjoyment" haha! :p

Day 1 at Taipei
We went to this Themepark in Taipei, forgot the name of it already haha! Was quite unluckily, as it was raining the whole morning, but when we reached this place, it turned into a tiny drizzle hahaa!!!

This was taken at the night market a few streets away from our Hotel. I tell you! There were lots of food varieties offered there haahaha! All so mouth-watering lolZ... Too bad we don't all the time to finish them all... Sigh... Next time I guess...

Day 2 in Taipei
We went to this Small World Amusement Park, the whole park had reduced-size building of all the famous buildings and Monuments. This was taken when we were on the "cho-cho" train in the theme park, going to the other side of the park haaha!!! I looked quite sleepy right? Cuz the first night, we went back to hotel very late, around 1am hahaa!!!

At night, we went to Taipei 101 building, though we were not allowed to go up. But we still took the risk to go up hahaah!!! Because photography wasn't allowed up there... Sigh what a waste! The view at Floor 98 was just simply breath-taking X100 times!!! We had a complete 360 view of the whole Taipei City!!!
After which, we headed down to Shi Ling Market for shopping. It was really, really packed with people, even though it was a thrusday. Went into this shop called "Diamond", and gotta know this very cute shop assistance, called Xiao Xuan. We took photos and exchanged MSN add that very night... CHEERS!

Taken in the middle of the Shi Ling Night Market Main Shopping Lane. Packed with people, and packed with Shops so that we could shop till we drop haha!!!

Day 3 at Taipei
We went to the most Northern point of Taiwan. It was a small seafood town, well, meant for tourism actually hahah!!! Everywhere we went there're shops selling seafood, and alot of sea creatures which we had never seen before.
We took this on the edge of a cliff! The wind & waves were very strong! Almost blew us away haaha!!!

At night, I went back to Shi Ling again to look for the cute girl, Xiao Xuan. Had her to take me around to shop, eat and have fun haha!! I realised that Singapore Girls & Taiwanese girls have such a big difference... I guess I might talk about that in my next blog....
Dunno why I took this picture... Maybe cuz of all the big posters being placed together.. HAHA!!

Went back to Hotel around 3:30am, after sending Xiao Xuan back to her house, which was about 3 KM from Taipei City.
Day 4 at Taipei
Woke up around 8am, and went out with Victor to have breakfast. We walked around the shops around our Hotel to see what breakfast we could have hahaah!!! In the end, we went to this eatery that had alot of special dishes we never seen before. hahaah!!! Too bad we didn't bring our camera... WHY!!!
After which, we went back got changed and off we went to Xi men Ting. As it was a Saturday afternoon, it was really really packed with youngsters. And at that place, you'll get to see how the youngesters dress... Definitely 100times better than in Singapore...
Around 7pm, we rushed back to Hotel to fly back to Singapore...
Really didn't wanna wave goodbye to Taipei. But I promise! I'll be back!!!! hahah!!!
Super duper Tiring day....
Oh gosh! Yesterday Friday has gotta be one of the most tiring days I've got ever since I got posted to BMTC HQ...
Early Morning, I walked over to Raven Company to make sure that the equipping Site has been set up properly, with the correct amount of tables, all tables are securely fixed in place. And also, get the total amount of people from ALB, Mr Lim, who will be coming down to the Site to conduct the equipping.
After which, I have to inform the company (Who set up the Equipping Site), to indent meals for the ALB people, and also provide them drinks. Then, I have to go back to LSA office, to photocopy about 500 copies of Personal Kit Issue forms, which I have to give accordingly to all the companies, who are having enlistment today.
Finally, I got to relaxed a bit before the equipping starts...
11:20am - Parents arrived at Sch 2 Cookhouse & started eating...
11:50am - Parents start leaving for Ferry Terminal
12:30pm - My work is just beginning.....
Was practically running everywhere to get things done... Mr. Eric decided to get PT shoes in Sch 2 who were having problems to be exchanged in one shot. So I had to go to all the 5 companies and tell them to fall in al lthe recruits who's NB shoes were having problems and head down to the training shed just behind Taurus COmpany to have then changed... Because there're five waves today, alot of people were worried that Scorpion company's wave might not be able to complete it before break fast timing... But luckily, all the Commanders took extreme proactiveness and did a very fast job... So all of us could go back early.. THANKS GUYS!!!
By the time, everything I was already extremely tired... Only thing on my mind was just to get back home and sleep...
Managed to catch the 8pm Fast craft..hahaah!!! I practically rushed back to bunk, got changed and ran to the ferry terminal haahah!!! The moment I sat down in the Craft, I just fell sleep... All the way till I reached Changi Ferry Terminal hahaah!!! And only to be awaken by the Siren to tell everyone to alight from the craft... lolZ... I guess I was really drop dead tired...
SAme goes on Bus 19 lolZ...fell asleep immediately hahaah!!!
Rushed home around 8:45pm... Reached home not long, I went out again... Passed "Goong" VCD to Ling mei... I tell you the haze is getting worse and worse as the days goes by...It was so hot and humid when I walked to the Bus stop... GOSH!! When will the haze go away??
WHen I came back...i had my dinner & mooncakes hahaah!! I have been working these few days that I totally forgot that Friday was Mid-Autumn festival...And wat's more.. the night view was totally ruined by the heavy Haze...The haze has been getting worse and worse as the days went by...Sigh... Curse those Farmers who burnt and destory all those treess.... ARH!!!
Hazel called me around 11pm loLZ...when I was browsing my magazines and eating my mooncake... we always chatted about anything under the sun over the phone hahaah!!! Talked about Exs...How many flings or scandals....How many sex partners... (Though I don't have...I'm still a virgin.. haha!! yeah! you read correctly hahaah!!!) And other things as well...
Practically seems like she was a little afraid of her dad lolZ...a couple of times, she thought her dad was opening her room door to check on her, whether she has sleep or not... But apparently it was only a false alarm hahaah!!
Chatted with her for 3 hours plus! GOSH!! that has got to be the longest chat I had with her ever since we started chatting since tuesday... thoug it ended when her dad really opened the door to check on her hahaah!!!
I guess it's time for me to sleep as well den haahah!!!
Early Morning, I walked over to Raven Company to make sure that the equipping Site has been set up properly, with the correct amount of tables, all tables are securely fixed in place. And also, get the total amount of people from ALB, Mr Lim, who will be coming down to the Site to conduct the equipping.
After which, I have to inform the company (Who set up the Equipping Site), to indent meals for the ALB people, and also provide them drinks. Then, I have to go back to LSA office, to photocopy about 500 copies of Personal Kit Issue forms, which I have to give accordingly to all the companies, who are having enlistment today.
Finally, I got to relaxed a bit before the equipping starts...
11:20am - Parents arrived at Sch 2 Cookhouse & started eating...
11:50am - Parents start leaving for Ferry Terminal
12:30pm - My work is just beginning.....
Was practically running everywhere to get things done... Mr. Eric decided to get PT shoes in Sch 2 who were having problems to be exchanged in one shot. So I had to go to all the 5 companies and tell them to fall in al lthe recruits who's NB shoes were having problems and head down to the training shed just behind Taurus COmpany to have then changed... Because there're five waves today, alot of people were worried that Scorpion company's wave might not be able to complete it before break fast timing... But luckily, all the Commanders took extreme proactiveness and did a very fast job... So all of us could go back early.. THANKS GUYS!!!
By the time, everything I was already extremely tired... Only thing on my mind was just to get back home and sleep...
Managed to catch the 8pm Fast craft..hahaah!!! I practically rushed back to bunk, got changed and ran to the ferry terminal haahah!!! The moment I sat down in the Craft, I just fell sleep... All the way till I reached Changi Ferry Terminal hahaah!!! And only to be awaken by the Siren to tell everyone to alight from the craft... lolZ... I guess I was really drop dead tired...
SAme goes on Bus 19 lolZ...fell asleep immediately hahaah!!!
Rushed home around 8:45pm... Reached home not long, I went out again... Passed "Goong" VCD to Ling mei... I tell you the haze is getting worse and worse as the days goes by...It was so hot and humid when I walked to the Bus stop... GOSH!! When will the haze go away??
WHen I came back...i had my dinner & mooncakes hahaah!! I have been working these few days that I totally forgot that Friday was Mid-Autumn festival...And wat's more.. the night view was totally ruined by the heavy Haze...The haze has been getting worse and worse as the days went by...Sigh... Curse those Farmers who burnt and destory all those treess.... ARH!!!
Hazel called me around 11pm loLZ...when I was browsing my magazines and eating my mooncake... we always chatted about anything under the sun over the phone hahaah!!! Talked about Exs...How many flings or scandals....How many sex partners... (Though I don't have...I'm still a virgin.. haha!! yeah! you read correctly hahaah!!!) And other things as well...
Practically seems like she was a little afraid of her dad lolZ...a couple of times, she thought her dad was opening her room door to check on her, whether she has sleep or not... But apparently it was only a false alarm hahaah!!
Chatted with her for 3 hours plus! GOSH!! that has got to be the longest chat I had with her ever since we started chatting since tuesday... thoug it ended when her dad really opened the door to check on her hahaah!!!
I guess it's time for me to sleep as well den haahah!!!
Friday, October 06, 2006
My Weekly Update! ;) 01/10/06 - 05/10/60
Sunday 01 Oct 2006
Woke up around 11:30am, and watched the final few episodes of Goong. Towards the end, things got rather bornig. If it was for the female lead actress, I think I might have just stopped watching it totally haha!!!
Woke up around 11:30am, and watched the final few episodes of Goong. Towards the end, things got rather bornig. If it was for the female lead actress, I think I might have just stopped watching it totally haha!!!
Though one ting puzzled me at the end, Cai Jin & Li Xin had never do "that thing" at all, how can Cai Jin get pregnant?? That's one thing that puzzled me... haha!!!
In the afternoon, around 1pm, went over to blk 146, and helped my dad set up the area which wil be used to celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival. Because I ddin't know much people there, so I just quietly prepared whatever I'm being assigned to do, and provide any help I could, after which I went back home around 4pm. Took a bath and helped my mum to clean up the house and prepare dinner.
Yesterday night, Sharon chatted with me over MSN, and commented that me & Joyce are very compatible since poly days. I replied that we're just very close friends. Nothing more, nothing less. Whether things would develop further or not, I dare not give further comments.
I've always wish to have a vegetarian GF... ... Though in the past many of my GFs have tried to be a vegetarian for my sake, but I've always told them not to force themselves if they can't take it.
Because I know very well that being a vegetarian is not a simple task. It's a revolution that required alot of determination, endurance and willpower.
She has appeared... ... I wish she's the one for me... I hoped she's the one for me... Even now, I still hope...
I've always been afraid to talk to her. Always feared that I might anger her. Even on MSN, though I have lots of things to tell her. But because of the fear that she might not be interested at my topics at all, I decided not to...
I don't mind waiting for her...
I don't mind to continue to give in to her...
I don't mind to continue to watch over her... I don't mind...
Just as long as her sight falls on me a little while longer,
her topics revolve around me a little more,
as long as I appear in her mind a little more whenever she feels lonely...
I'm contended...
Monday 02 Oct 2006
I tell you.... This morning when I woke up I was so shocked to see that the sky was so HAZY!!! It's like yesterday just had a very big forest fire!!!! The smell of burnt & ashiness was so thick in the air, that it could chock a person to death!!!
This morning, the same thing for parade. LSA was the first one to be there, at 0730. Waited 10mins for the rest of the people to arrive. And the parade state took only 5secs. Sigh...what a wate of time... I think from Tomorrow onwards, I won't be joining the Roll Call liaoZ....
Received a msg from Mr. Eric in the wee hours of morning. He asked me to attend a meeting with Mr. Pandian at 10am @ 4th CCO Conference Room.
And after I entered the LSA office not long... I received a call from Mr. Gary. He instructed me what to do for the Meeting, as well as how to handle HD MP, Mr. Ng Ching Seng. Sigh.... How come most of the HD of Depts are all so unlikeable one???
So, at 10am, me and Mr. Pandian went for the meeting... I tell you!!! It was practically an Arrowing Session lorZ.... But luckily I was quite well prepared. Alot of things I just gave this answer: "Sorry Sir, regarding this issue, I'm not in the Position to make any decision. I'll have to report to Mr. Gary first. From there, he'll make approriate decisions...."
The tension in that very Conference Room would be enough to kill anyone in there. The firepowder, the explosions going on in the room... OH MY GOD!!! I don't even know why I was picked to attend that meeting!!!
It was like a breathe of fersh air when I got outta there... Gosh! How I wished it could have ended earlier...
After which, I went for lunch. Cuz today DY LOG, Mr. Eric, Mr Ananh, and Mr. Gary all were not around... that could only mean one thing... CAN RELAX!!! HAHAAH!!!
So I go back to LOG BR and surf the net the whole day haah!!!! So shiok man!!!
Was playing around and meeting girls who live in my neighbourhood... So fun!!! haaha!!! It's always fun to meet new people and make new friends... Makes me forget my heartache for that brief moment....
"When would my saviour appear???"
Tuesday 03 Oct 2006
Today, at least could sleep an additional 20mins more, though it never seem to be enough for me... hahah!!
Slept late last night. Around 1am. Guess who I managed to chat online with? Kathy!!! Yesh!!! After she went MIA for sooo sooo soo soo long... Finally, she went online haha!!! Went back to the old me...Everytime I see her must "wa gu" her one haha!!! Well, I guess tat's how our relationship is so close haha!!!
Got a chance to chat with her BF as well... Who's currently as a recce trooper at SMI, PLC. He just posted there... haha!! But don't worry dude... Recce Trooper not really xiong one... I wish you & Ah Kat will be happy & blissed till forever ;)
Got to know a few friends from "" And guess what happened? A few girls I just got to know, asked me whether wanna be PT BF/GF or not lolZ!! I was like "AH!!!?? Sure or not??" Like I'm back to Secondary School days sia... Where I always play this kinda things with my friends... then we'll always appeared to be much more "Tian Mi" den those true couples in our gang haha!!! But actually, it was just joking lolZ... phew~~
After which went to sleep....
Today, nothing much lahZ... Mr. Gary is on Day 2 MC. But I doubt he won't be coming tomorrow... So, have to enjoy whatever free time I'm able to have and brace myself for a rough and tiring ride tomorrow... And of cause prepare to be squeezed dry out by Mr. Gary from the minute I start work in the Morning... hahah!!!
Wednesday 04 Oct 2006
Slowly, I'm starting to adapt to the style of how Mr. Gary & Mr. Eric handle things for Logistics. Though I'll need more time to adapt to their styles...
Early in the Morning, went for first parade. It was a very fast one haahah!!! Just "CCO SEDIYA!!! CCO KELUWA BARASI!"
As usual, first thing in the morning I was summoned into Mr. Gary's office and was asked by him to update him on what happened on the Monday's AOP meeting for Friday's & Saturday's Intake. It didn't take too long. About 15mins I was out of there... Went back to LOG BR to settle some of my documents, started to file and re-arrange my POs and Indents...
Sigh... Didn't realised that I have quite a handful of documents not settled... well, I guess I had better settle them QUICKLY! Before I hear my head rolling from BMTC to North Pole hahah!!!
Decided to try fasting today, so I skipped braekfast & lunch. Wanted to know how it would be like to fast, and also understand how the muslims would feel during Ramadan Period... Yeah! I'm that understanding...I know lolZ =p
Recently, got to know a few girls online. Elina, Bernice, Ruby, Sandy, Hazel, Kerlyn, Catherine etc etc. They're all quite nice girls... Had a wonderful time chatting with them, be it online or over the phone haahah!!! All of them have different personalities, so I took it as a training to brush up my PR skills... hehehee!!!
Yeah!!! I know!!! Some of you out there reading my blog must be thinking
"How come you in NS got so much time to sruf the Internet one? And Army camp got Internet one wor??"
Yesh! There's Internet connection in camp. If not how the heck I get to update my blog haha!! And normally, when I finished my work, I would take some time to surf the Net and also get to know some cute girls hahah!!!
Yeah!! Kill me if you want to =P
It's 1:15am now...Time to chill out in my dreams... CHEERS!
Thursday 04 Oct 2006
Wednesday night was really, really lonely...Firdaus took one day off, no one accompany me, and talk crap with me about girls, cars & Sex. Sigh... But luckily the girls I met online accompanied me till I wanna sleep. Thanks alot CAT', *muackZ* love you!
Set my alarm to sound off @ 6am, but because the night before I was chatting with this cute girl, CAT', whom I got to know from "", I went back to sleep after I switched off the alarm... hahaah!!! Freaking me right?
Kept going in & outta sleep till about 715am, den I finally decided to pull my "dying body" out of the bed & went to freshen up myself... Every morning, it seem like such an exhausting task to open my gloomy eyes and try to wake up whole body up, so that it will be ready for a day's of exhauting work...
Went ot Office, and hahah! Mr. Gary wouldn't be in Office till 11am yeah! Thus, I'll be able to do my own things without HIM bugging me with all the meetings, crap and lame jokes... hahaah!!!
Though I received a call from Anthony, telling me that Mr. Gary wished to see me & Desmond at 1:15pm. Sigh... Meeting again. Suddenly, I'm like so Anti-meeting! Mr. Gary has made me so sick of Meetings... haahah!!
(Let me just side-track a bit, and describe how I felt when I was breaking fast...)
Today, I'm on my 2nd day of fasting. Yesterday was quite fun, cuz I've never fast before hahaah!!! And the pleasure, excitement and adrenaline rush you get when you break fast, was really undescribable hahaah!!! Just imagine, after depriving your body from delicious food for one whole day, a plate full of sumptuous food was just right infront of you....And also, you're surrounded by countless other muslims who were breaking Fast with you as well.
As you put the first spoon of food into your mouth... The aroma of the food suddenly attacked your nostrils, suddenly awakening all your smell pores... GOSH!!! The feeling was just AMAZING!!! hahaha!!! ok... I know... I'm being a little too overboard haahah!!
But after today, I won't wanna go on Fast again... The feeling was really reall bad... hahaah!!!
(Back to main story...HAHAH! LAME!!!)
As you could see, being on day 2 Fasting has slowly began to challenge my willpower. The hunger, the desire to feed your stomach & the tempation of food was really starting to sway my willpower more & more as time went by...
All day long, my stomach kept protesting, howling for food to feed its seemingly endless pit of hunger.
With an internal protest going on in my stomach, I went for the Meeting with Mr. Gary. Gosh! That was when the embarassing moment came...
Mr. Gary was telling all of us something important with a very serious tone of voice and look, when suddenly an almost deafening sound came! It was the howling from my Stomach.... AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I felt so embarassed. Everyone in the room were like practically looking at me, like I was some Aliens from Planet Xero... Then, Mr. Gary asked me: "Jonny...Have you taken your lunch??"
"Yeah Sir! I had a bit for lunch...but the lunch wasn't very nice...SO I had little..."
"Okie... Later go and have a tea break..And eat something nice after the meeting..."
"Er....Okie Sir..I will later..."
Aiyoh!! so embarassing!!! I felt that I just wanna find a hole and bury my whole body inside!!! AH!!!
After that embarassing meeting, I went back to Log Br to Slack haahh!! Really, really tiring this few days, could be due to the fact that I've been sleeping very late these few nights... Sigh...I guess over the weekends I shall replenish it back hahah!!!!
Tomorrow's Enlistment day.... Sigh! Gonna work till very late liaoZ...
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